Chapter 3 : During her comatose

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A/N : There would be a lot of time skip in this chapter


Day 1 when Serina was comatose :

Her father investigated the event and capture the traitor from the house alive to torture

Her mother was thankful her daughter is still alive despite being comatose because she can still wait for her to wake up

Ellis take care of the young miss everyday and can't sleep at night due to guilt for not able to save her

The servants also in a bad mood because of what happen and hadn't any energy to do their job

In short,

The atmosphere in the house is...... Too gloomy to the point that the ignored young master who have just recover from the high fever noticed it in the morning

He been looking at the door ever since he woke up and though to himself

'Maybe she's still asleep?'

And so, he waited and waited that it already at night but the person he wanted to see didn't come

His hope dimish and was self-mocking to himself on how fool of him to think she will visit again

'Stupid Self'

Day 7 :

Serina father found the suspect and without mercy, he kill him and the suspect family..... He also give all the servants a month of vacation few days ago so only he, his wife, the doctor and 'that child' left in this huge mansion

The madam is the one who been taking care of her comatose daughter when Ellis was gone and also accompany her husband to his work everyday

Dr. Percius doesn't go to the mansion daily as he has also some family matters to do

So it only means that only Leon and the comatose Serina left house

Leon know that the whole servant in the mansion was giving a 1 month vacation so he can only take care of his meals and what he needs to himself

He's still oblivious on what's going on

Day 10 :

He walk around the mansion for the first time ever since he came here and found it quite spacious and huge

While walking around, he heard a sound of door opening

Hiding, he peek a little to see who it is and find the stranger face a bit familiar

"Uncle Percius, is my brother okay? Is he sick? Do we need him to take to a hospital?"

'oh! It was that doctor that sister of mine took a visit together at my room'

When Leon saw him closing the door and left the room he entered, he continue walking and wasn't curious at all

Or so he though

he was until he heard a sound of beeping when he walk by

He open the door and a smell of thick medicine and alcohol spread to his nose

Looking at his surrounding suspiciously, he sneakily enter the room full of curiosity

Silently closing the door, he finally look at the room design which looks like a ward from a hospital and was disgusted at the smell of alcohol and medicine

Finally his gaze landed on a bed, where he then dumbfounded at the scene

"Sis...... Ter?"


Question and Answer :

Q1 : What do you think happen next?

A. He yelled for help (he forgot that there's nobody in the house except him and the MC)

B. He suddenly got his reason on why his sister didn't show up and would always come to her room

C. He didn't do anything and ignore the scene

D. The other reason : ______________

Q2 : Did you find something suspicious? And why?

Your own answer : _______________

Well that would be the end of MC past before she become a comatose 😅 some of you guys might be confuse so I apologise for that but you all will know at the following chapters in the future on what happen next during her comatose 😁

Anyways! Next chapter will probably the last day! So see you in the following chapter ~😉

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