Downer! Bobby x Downer! Reader

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Living as a downer in Wellington Wells was like constantly living on the edge. People would often get suspicious when I didn't greet them, and doctors nearly caught me multiple times. But it was better than living in the Garden District. Thankfully, being with a constable had it's perks. It would mean that most people didn't question me, especially when my Constable Turner was around.

But I knew I couldn't continue like this for much longer. If I hide behind my boyfriend for too long people would get too suspicious. But also, my boyfriend doesn't know I've been off my joy either. I feared that if I told him, he would turn me in. And that would hurt so much more than the sour memories that stained my sober brain.

I gently stirred my now cold tea with a small spoon, I hadn't even had a sip of it. I jumped as I heard the door open, shaking me from my thoughts. The Uncle Jack news show blared from the tele but I wasn't paying attention to it. It was early in the morning, and Constable Turner was out on night shift the previous day. I put the tea cup on the table, the spoon spinning slightly in the cup as I gently place it on a napkin. I turned to the tele, quickly shutting it off. I stood in the doorway of the entrance, and took in the scene of the rugged constable. He seemed so weary and tired, not that I blamed him. A familiar warmth spread in the inside of my chest, I don't think I could ever tire from looking at him. But today there was a different air around him, almost somber in nature. I brushed it off as my own joyless feelings, before walking over to him as he locked the front door.

I wrapped my arms around his torso, his coat was cold but he himself was quite warm. I pressed my face against his back, taking in his smell. He smelled like coffee, faint cologne, and a hint of moteline.

"Good morning' luv" His sheepish voice rang out, his once rigid stance melting away as I squeezed him slightly.

"How did your shift go, my dear?" I hummed, gently pulling away, not without tugging his arm with me. I began to walk to the kitchen.

"Ah, same thing, different day." He yawned, letting me lead the way. I lead him to our small dining table. And then sat him down on a chair.

"I'm sure you're hungry, is there anything in particular you'd like?" I opened the cupboards, they were almost devoid of food. I had been meaning to go to the store to buy food, but I have been too paranoid to go out on my own.

"Anything would be good." His response was delayed, he must have been dozing off. I snickered to myself, rummaging for ingredients to make a some-what edible meal. As I looked through the cupboards a veil of silence came upon us.

"Has the price of Blackberry joy gone up any more?" I began to arrange what I had on the counter, racking my brain for any recipes that could possibly use these ingredients.

"Uh what about, Blackberry joy?" He sounded a lot more awake now, but there was still an underlying sound of sleepiness.

"Oh, I was just asking if the price of Blackberry joy has gone up. It's pretty expensive as is, I can't imagine how expensive it would be if they raised it's cost." I eventually decided on some simple oatmeal and beans.

"Um it's been raised a bit." He sounded unsure. It had been with Turner for a while now, almost 6 years. I think. The joy made that detail a bit ambiguous. But I knew Turner more than I knew myself, and vice versa. And right now I could tell he was hiding something from me. But I just shook that thought away.

"Hmm? You don't sound too confident about that answer, Turner?" You mused, he must just be tired.

"I'm confident in that answer. Very confident actually.." Okay now he sounded suspicious. I turned to him and walked over to him. Holding his face in my hands. By now he had taken his mask off. His coat was also abandoned, along with his hat. Both of which were tossed sloppily on the ground. His blue eyes pierced my (E/C). I brushed a thumb against his cheek.

"Are you-", I glanced at the window to make sure it was closed, "Are you off your joy?" With that question Turner stood up, his hands grasping mine in a firm but gentle grip. His head hung as he looked at me, his eyes were slightly glazed over.

"Y-yes. I'm sorry, I just couldn't keep taking joy", he squeezed my hands in his bigger ones, "I was getting so addicted to them. I started to forget everything. I started to.. I started to forget you."

I engulfed him in a hug. I knew that regular joy was addictive, and its withdrawal symptoms were awful. So I couldn't imagine how bad withdrawing from Blackberry joy might be like. He pressed his face against the top of my head, swaying us slightly. It felt so warm and comforting. It's not like we hadn't hugged before but this time it felt so much more real. After a couple of minutes I looked up at him.

"How long have you been off your joy?" I began to draw circles on his back.

"For a week or so? I'm not sure, but it's been difficult" he sighed, squeezing me closer.

"I can imagine so." I commented, "Did you know I was off my joy?"

"Yeah, I figured you were. I just wasn't completely sure, and didn't want to get into an argument about it with you." He answered.

I pressed my head into his chest. We just enjoyed each other's company. It felt as if everything was right in the world, it felt like everything was normal.

"What do we do now?" My voice startled me as it pierced the comforting silence.

He took a moment to think, his hand gently brushing my lower back as he pulled away slightly. His hands then deciding to rest on my hips.

"We can't stay here for long," he replied, I nodded in agreement, "We'll have to leave soon. If we stay around who knows what trouble might arise."

I looked up at him, my hands finding their way to his chest. He leaned down, holding the back of my head and pressing his lips to mine. His lips were slightly chapped and were bent in a small smile. I pressed my own lips against his, grabbing the sides of his head. We pulled away when we had to unfortunately breathe again.

"We'll figure it out, okay?" I caressed his face.

He nodded sheepishly, leaning his head into my right hand.

"Let's go to bed now, you look exhausted." I grabbed his hand, interlacing our fingers, before marching up the stairs to our bedroom.

"What about breakfast?" he slurred, sitting on our plush bed.

I got in the bed on my side, tugging on him to lay down with me. Wrapping my arms around his torso and pressing my face into his chest. The sound of his heart thumping began to lull me into sleep.

"We can just have a late breakfast." I yawned tiredly. I snuggled into him more and he wrapped his arms around me. Before I could bid him goodnight I could already hear him snoring.

"Goodnight" I whispered. Surrounded by his warmth and love, I quickly fell asleep.

I don't think I've ever slept that good in my life.

Damn the touch starved goblin in me really jumped out huh.

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