Red! Bobby x Reader

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This ones going to be a lil' spicy, but nothing too crazy,

You had just gotten a job as a receptionist at the Reform Club. Granted, this wasn't quite the dream job that you wanted, but you definitely weren't complaining. You were paid well, and it wasn't too awful seeing everybody in rubber suits. The only issue though was that it was insanely boring. Sitting and waiting for anyone to walk through, not being able to join in on any of the fun. To pass time you would sometimes talk to the bobbies but usually they were way too into their job. You had little to nothing to look forward to when you went to work, until one evening...

You stretched the rubber suit over yourself, cursing to yourself in the process. You'd think this would get easy after how long you've been working here, but no. After you had finally wrestled it onto yourself, you locked your locker up. Unlocking the door that led into the lobby you saw something new. Or rather someone new. A red bobby stood at your counter. He impatiently fiddled with a couple of papers in his hands, one of them looked like it was his card. You sauntered towards the counter, brushing past him and catching his attention. He made a choked up sound that vaguely resembled a greeting. You rounded the desk and faced him. Although you couldn't see his face due to the mask, his ears were bright red. You smirked, then stretched your hand out and motioned toward the papers in his hand. He hastily handed them to you.

"Hello, uh, I'm going to be working here from now on and um. I was told to give these to you." He glanced at the papers in my hands as I looked down to study them. Once I saw they were all in check, I went onto his card. Thomas Rowlandson. You looked back up at him, his hands nervously plucked at the fabric covering them.

"So.. Thomas Rowlandson. What brought you to work in a place like this?" You leaned on the counter after putting away his paperwork into the desk drawer. One of your hands supported your chin while the other reached out to give Rowlandson his card back.

"Uh well.. I didn't really choose to work here. The constabulary put me here." He placed the card into his pocket, smoothing out his uniform in the process. You glanced at the clock on the wall. It was still evening, people wouldn't start coming in until 8 or 9 ish.

"Well, we have some time to kill." He followed your eyes to the clock. He took his position beside the big red button, leaning against the wall.

"How long were you waiting here anyway?" You asked as you got out the clip board with the paper sign in. He glanced back at the clock before looking back at you.

"Not too long, I don't think." You hummed in response. You don't remember him being here when you first got here, so he must've came in when you were changing. You thought. Standing behind the counter was getting slightly uncomfortable, plus you didn't have to start working until Madame Wanda came in. You walked from behind the counter and sat on the sofa. As you sank into it you motioned for the Rowlandson to sit next to you. His eyes widened in surprise for a brief moment before he walked over and sat beside you. He crossed his arms above his head and relaxed into the couch before looking over at you,

"How long have you been working here anyway?" He asked. You sighed as you squinted your eyes trying to remember when you had first started working here. It had to be a year ago, right? Joy made things difficult to remember.

"Hmm.. a year maybe?" You looked back at him with a sheepish smile, "You know how joy makes things fuzzy." He nodded and you both settled into a comfortable silence. You usually didn't arrive this early, but you were glad to have. You heard a soft snort off to your side and looked up at him, confused.

"I just remembered, I hadn't asked for your name", he chuckled to himself.

"Oh, my name is (Y/N) (L/N)." You leaned back into the sofa.

"So.. (Y/N), what would make a pretty/handsome thing like work in a place like this?" He asked, staring down at you. You grinned up at him.

"Well.. for starters the pay is nice, especially for sitting around all day and checking people in." You leaned in close to his ear, "And I think you know the other reason as to why I work here." Whilst you were talking you could feel a pair of eyes rake across your form. The energy in the room shifted. You smirked before sending him a wink.

"You know.." you started, pressing a hand to his shoulder, trailing down onto his chest, "We have plenty of time till' we have to start working." He gulped and nodded in response, moving so he was facing you. You leaned forward, eyes glancing from his vibrant blue eyes down to his lips. Taking the hand that wasn't on his chest and using it to hold his chin, you captured his lips with yours. Eliciting a small grunt as you pulled him closer to you. It was a little difficult to kiss with the mask on, but you managed. While your mouth was busy, you began running your hands down his chest, tracing the many buttons adorning it. Meanwhile, his hands were trailing up and down your back, from your shoulders to your lower back, threatening to travel further. Filled with the urge to be closer, you pulled away for a moment.

"May I sit on your lap?" You asked, tracing your hand up and down the side of his mask. He nodded fervently and pulled you onto his lap. Arms laced around his neck as you returned back to kissing him, pressing back with as much fervor as you could muster. Your hands clumsily grasped the top buttons of his suit, hoping to gain access to his neck. After a small struggle, he chuckled against your lips, leaning away from you slightly to aid in your mission. You smothered his neck in kisses, eliciting quiet noises from him. Before you could get too carried away he grabbed your wrists (that were slowly making their way up and down his chest).

"Hold on. Let's go somewhere more.. Private" He said, glancing at the locker room you had used previously to change in. You grinned and nodded enthusiastically. Shuffling to get up, but instead you were pulled down. You looked at him, confused. He then hoisted you up, and carried you to the room. Closing the door behind him with his body, he gently put you down. You pressed yourself against him, pushing him further against the door. Grabbing him by the sides of his face, and pulling him down to your height to continue your little make out session. He braced an arm around your waist to keep you against him, his other hand caressing your cheek. Your hands once again began to travel, brushing up and down his chest, and sometimes drawing small circles on his waist. Then you grabbed him by his hips and pulled them towards you evoking a small whine from the tall man. You chuckled softly at his reaction, pressing kisses onto his exposed neck.

Before you too could continue though, there was a harsh knock on the door, causing the both of you to jump. "Hello?! (Y/N)? Is that you in there?!" A shrill voice muffled through the door caused you to quickly freshen up and make it look like you totally weren't making out with your coworker. Upon seeing your anxious rushing, Rowlandson too began to put himself back together, buttoning up his uniform again.

"Yeah, yeah it's me!" You called out, taking a deep breath as you prepared to open the door. But as you were reaching for the knob, the door swung open, nearly slamming into Thomas. Upon examining the scene Madame Wanda had happened upon, she shook her head and tutted.

"Well, I suppose you've already met the new bobby?" She said, crossing her arms. You grinned sheepishly, nodding and glancing at Thomas. She sighed and turned to walk away, "We're opening up soon so you two better be in your positions when I get back, alright?" You let out a quiet "yes", and Thomas nodded. Madame Wanda pressed the red button, and walked up the stairs and out of sight. Thomas and you looked at each other simultaneously sighing, glad the awkwardness was over.

"I hadn't realized we took that long." He mused. You laughed and nodded in response.

"Well, I suppose we should get to our positions before she comes back and hits us with her 'wand'". Thomas chuckled at that, walking past you and beyond the door into the lobby, taking a stand by the button. You went behind the desk and leaned against the counter, shuffling through papers and re-organizing to get ready for the day.

"(Y/N)". You looked up from your work to see the bobby leaned against the wall, watching you.

"Yes?" You asked, continuing your organizing.

"Are you free this Friday?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2022 ⏰

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