Pick Up Lines (Donatello X Reader)

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(Y/N)'s POV

It's a beautiful day in New York and well, it might be yet I'm so hyper today. In school, I had some school activities that were fun and some of my friends were goofing off inside my classroom which was really funny. Today is Friday, hooray! We don't have any homework which is great news. I guess I can spend my free time with my best friends, the ninja turtles. I met them a few months ago on the rooftops when I first moved in my new apartment. They weren't scary at all since they asked if I was scared but all I can say is that these guys are really fun, has the looks and heroic. The names were Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo. They're four teenage turtles and they have different personalities. One is the leader in blue, the genius, the hot-head, and the wild or should I say the one who is the life of the party. The four of them are brothers and they're bond for each other is strong and I love it. I was able to befriend them quickly a few days later since we have a lot of common especially when it comes to our favorite food, Pizza. The one I'm the closest to was Donatello. Donnie and I spend so much time together. It was being with him cause' I like seeing his wonderful inventions and such in his lab. Sometimes he might even demonstrate it for me so I can see it with my very own eyes. But when time passed, I start having a crush on him. Every time I hang around with him, I always tend to blush or started being shy from time to time. Day by day, my feelings for him became deeper but the thing is I don't know how to tell him.

Anyway, going back, I started putting my books back on my bag and checked if all my stuff are there. So for so good, my stuff are complete and nothing missing. I grabbed my backpack and head outside the classroom while I said goodbye to my classmates and friends. I turned left and just when I was about to move forward, I stopped on my tracks when I bumped into someone. I looked up to see my friend, Ken, smiling down at me since his a bit tall. I smiled and waved. "Hey, Ken. What's up?", I said and playfully touch his shoulder. He chuckled and said, "Oh, it's nothing and by the way, wanna walk with me before you go?". I tilt my head from the side and nodded anyway. "Okay, sure", was all I said and both me and Ken head out.

We walked outside the school building and we headed south. While we were walking though, he sighed and started to speak again, "(Y/N)". I looked at him and replied, "Hmm. What is it?". He looked at me and gave me a flirtatious look. "Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I smile", he said and winked. I was silent when he said that and scratched the back of my neck looking left and right. "W-Wow, that's-". Just when I was about to continue, I heard a thud from a dumpster somewhere and a cat was screaming. Both of us looked around and nobody seems to be there. I guess it must be the cats playing around the garbage. I laughed to myself and I looked at the time. I gasped and thought, 'Oh, gosh. I better get moving. I should be there before 5'. I patted his shoulder and said, "I'm sorry, Ken. But I gotta go, I'll see you tomorrow. Bye!!". He nodded and ran with my heart beating faster. I looked for a man hole somewhere and checked if anyone is in sight. I turned right in the next street and finally saw a man hole which is almost next to the dumpster. I looked around and pulled up the man hole cover. I went down and closed the lid. I jumped down and said, "Alright. Time to meet up with the guys". With that, excitement was building up and I ran through the sewers without hesitation.

I finally arrived at the turtle's lair and going all the way here didn't bother me. I stepped in and saw Mikey and Leo playing pinball, Raph watching television and hold on, Donnie is nowhere to be found. I was about to look anywhere else but eventually the first one to notice me was Mikey. "(Y/N)! It's good to see you here!", he said and ran towards me. He gave me a big hug and nuzzled against me. I chuckled and said, "Hey, Mikey! How's it going, dude?". He laughed and both of us high-fived. Leo and Raph walked towards me and hugged me as well and they ruffled my hair. I smiled and still looked for Donnie. 'Seriously, where is he? I wanna see him. Usually, he's always here-', I thought but it was cut off when someone came out from the lab. I looked to see Donnie who seems to be looking busy cause he has a pencil on his purple bandana. He looked at me with a smile and waved. "(Y/N)!", he exclaimed and ran towards me. He gave me a gentle hug and said, "Glad you're here...". He let go and scratched the back of his neck. His brothers snickered which made him blush bright pink for some reason. He looked left and right then he said, "Oh, gosh. Uh, (Y/N). Meet me later in the lab if you're gonna hang out with my brothers, kay? I want to uh... show you something, hehe". I giggled and brushed my hair with my fingers. "How about now? Actually, I'm planning on hanging out with you first after all", I suggested. His eyes widened and asked, "I-I'm the first? Really?". I nodded reluctantly and he said with joy, "Wow, I'm honored. In that case, let's go, (Y/N). See ya bros! Haha!". He grabbed my hand and pulled me. I gasped and both of us went to his lab. 

We entered the lab and as usual the lab is a bit messy. Blueprints scattered in the floor, crumpled papers on the trash bins, a bunch of machines that Donnie made and a lots of books which is either related to technology or science. I smiled to myself and he said, "Here, (Y/N). Take a seat". I looked at the spinning chair and I gladly sat on it. "Thanks, Don", I said and grabbed one book that is nearby. I examined and Donnie sat next to me while he's working on a certain circuit board from a machine of some sort. When I looked at him and he looks pretty serious about working on that circuit board although his expression looks sorta different, I can see that he has something on his mind cause he's frowning right now which brought a heavy atmosphere. I gulped and thought, 'Hmm. I wonder what are we gonna do. I better say something, I can't let the silence to enter the room'. I looked left and right and said, "U-Uh..". He hummed and looked at me with questionable look. "S-So, what are we gonna do?  It's kinda awkward if there is a bit of silence", I said and laughed nervously. He placed down the tool he was using and the circuit board on the table beside him. He looked at me straight in the eyes and said, "Well, allow me to fill in then, (Y/N)". I tilt my head and he cleared his throat softly then he gave me a look that I never see before. "Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll give it back", he said in a husky tone and came closer to me. I blinked a few times from what is happening but eventually my lips were touched by his. My eyes widened and thought, 'Woah, he wasn't kidding when he said that pick up line but...'. I closed by eyes and my thoughts began to fade. I wrapped my arms around his neck while he wraps his arms around my waist. We let go and both of us looked deeply into each others eyes. He gave me another kiss on my forehead, my cheek, my neck (which made me squeak slightly), and finally my lips again. My eyes widened and thinking that Donatello is really bold today. He let go of my lips and panted softly. "W-Woah. You're pretty confident today, Don. What was that?", I said and asked. He gave me a sad look and said, "Oh that. Well, it's about earlier". I blinked a few times and nodded, "Okay. Go on, Donnie. I'll listen because I'm here for you". He hummed and nodded with a small smile. He sighed and looked the other way saying, "It's just that, when I was sightseeing, I got pretty jealous when I saw your friend giving you a sweet pick up line to you although just when I was about finish the whole thing that you guys were doing, I tripped by accident and fell on the dumpster. Then, when I got back at the lab, I started to get a bit upset from what I saw because the thing is (Y/N), is that I love you! I love you than anything else in the world. So, to prove it, I have to give you a better pick up line than that guy so I could impress you and hoping that you might accept my feelings!". I gasped and my eyes widened once again. 'Donnie. I never thought you would think this way through all this time', I thought and touched his hand. He noticed and I looked at him straight to his brown eyes. "Oh, you don't have to be jealous anymore. I don't have feelings for him, you know? I love someone else and that someone is you, Donnie. Of course, I would love to accept your feelings cause I love you very much than anyone else". His eyes widened and he blushed bright pink. He grinned and exclaimed, "Yahoo!! Finally! I thought I was a goner but seriously my idea worked afterall. Woohoo!!!". I chuckled and he gave me a big hug. I gasped and he started kissing me all over. "I love you, (Y/N)!! Please be by my side forever and I will make sure to make you happy", he said and pecked my lips. I chuckled and replied, "Sure. Of course I will, Donatello. I love you too". He smiled and said, "Oh, um. Can I say it one more time? You know, the pick-up line". My eyes sparkled and I nodded with delight. He giggled and said with a sweet voice, "Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll give it back". With that being said, I chuckled and both of us shared another blissful kiss together.

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