My Turtle Genius (Donatello X Reader)

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(Y/N)'s POV

It's a Saturday morning and I'm walking at the streets at New York City. Everywhere I go I can see some people walking around wih their family, friends, schoolmates and etc. Some are even going shopping at the mall just like April and I are doing sometimes when it comes to Saturdays. Anyhow, I'm heading to the lair cause' I'm gonna meet my bestfriends, the teenage mutant ninja turtles. I found the manhole and check if anyone is there. Everything is clear so I opened the manhole and went down. I closed the lid and jumped down then I started walking to the lair. It's been months since I met the turtles and it was such a great experience befriending them cause well they are ninjas after all. Anyhow, I sighed and thought about them but suddenly I bumped into something or someone. "Oh...", I said and looked in front. I looked to see Donatello. I smiled and said, "Donnie! Boy am I glad to see you right now". "Hi (Y/N)! I mean hey (Y/N). Hehe", he said and giggled. I chuckled softly and asked, "So, where are you heading?". "O-oh! Just taking a stroll but I was about to head to lair although I bump into you unexpectedly", he said and scratched the back of his neck. I giggled and said, "Well, to be honest I'm heading there right now. Hehe". He smiled brightly and said, "Great! It's great having you around the lair. Let's go!". I chuckled at his excitement and both of us head to the lair.

Moments later, we finally arrived and I saw the other turtles doing their same routine everytime I pay visit. Leonardo is watching his favorite show on television called 'Space Heroes', Raphael is punching the dummy and Mikey is playing games on his T-Phone. I step inside the lair and the first one to notice me was Michelangelo. "Hey (Y/N)!", Mikey said and gave me a hug. I hugged back with a giggle and said, "Hey dude". We let go and Leo said, "Hi (Y/N)! I'm glad you your here!". I smiled and suddenly I was carried. I yelped instanly and turned to see Raph carrying me. I smiled and said, "Hey Raph". "Sup, (Y/N)", he said and placed me down. I scratched the back of my neck and the turtles went back to their usual routines. I sighed and I was about to turn to Donnie but he wasn't there. "Donnie?", I said in confusion then I realized that he might be inside his lab. I decided to go inside the lab so I can hang out with him. I hang out a lot with Donatello all the time. He's cool, intelligent, sometimes shy, cute, adorable and sometimes he can be pretty attractive. To be honest, I had a crush on him for a long time. Like for example, whenever I talk to him alone when his brothers aren't around, I tend to blush. Then whenever we tell funny stories, I always adore his laugh and his sweet smile. Also when I thought about him, I always get butterflies in my stomach. Lastly, whenever we hug each other, I blush bright red in response and returned his hug. 

Anyhow, I got inside the lab excitedly and looks like Donnie is working on the shellraiser. "Hey Donnie", I said and walked towards Donnie. He noticed me and said, "Oh hey (Y/N)". I smiled and looked at what he is doing. I observed him for a while and thought, 'Donnie is genius when it comes to machinery and science'. I looked at him and decided to help, "Would it be fine if I help you?". He looked at me with a smile and said, "Sure!". I smiled back and both of us started working on the shellraiser.

30 minutes later...

We've been working on the shellraiser for a while and I wiping my sweat right now. "(Y/N)", Donnie called me. "Yeah, Donnie?", I asked with a smile. "Can you hand me the screwdriver, please?", he asked with a gentle smile. "Sure", I said and got the screwdriver inside his toolbox then I gave it to him. "Thank you", he said and started screwing. I looked at him with smile and thought, 'He so cool when his working on the shellraiser'. Soon after I was thinking in my mind, Donnie noticed I was staring at him and he asked, "What is it, (Y/N)? Is there something in my face or is there a problem?". My thoughts were cut off when he spoke and I was blushing then I responded, "O-Oh nothing's just..hehehe". He smiled and said, "If there's something you want to tell me , just tell me, kay?". I nodded and Donnie continued working. I sighed and thought to myself, 'Come on (Y/N). Don't be shy, be confident. If you want to tell him how you feel, just say it as it is. You can do it'. I breath in and out and looked at Donnie then I gulped. "U-uh Donnie...", I said softly. He looked at me and said, "Yes, (Y/N)?". " is something I wanted to tell you", I said and blushed instantly. He nodded and said with a gentle smile, "Sure, what is it?". I breathed in and out again and said simply, "I love you". His eyes widened as I said my confession. "Every since I met you, I started to develop a big crush on you. When we became friends eventually for the past months, I've been thinking about lately but I don't have the courage", I explained and looked at him deeply in his eyes. He was still speechless and I decided to speak again, "Donnie?". Then the unexpected happend, Donnie drop the screwdriver and gave me a tight hug. My eyes widened and Donnie finally spoke, "I love you too, (Y/N). Besides I felt the same way". I smiled widely and hugged back with a giggle. I could feel him smile and he said, "We've been together as friends for so long but I've been thinking about you all the time". "Really?", I asked. "Yes, (Y/N)", he replied and let go of me slowly then he started at me lovingly. I smiled and he caress my cheek then he brought his face closer. I slowly close my eyes and he brought his lips into mine. I smiled and we exchanged kisses. The kiss was soft and sweet at the same time. We giggled in response and between the kisses, Donnie whispered lovingly on my ear, "I love you, (Y/N)". "I love you too, Donnie", I whispered back and kept on excahnging kisses. We've been doing this for a while but we let go eventually to gasp for some air. We panted softly and Donnie hugged me gently. I smiled and hugged him back. He kissed my forehead and said, "I love (Y/N). Will you be my girlfriend?". I look up and said, "Of course!", I said and we kissed once more.

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