Chapter 9 ~ Sophia - Hallelujah, my ass

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Sunday 16th, 2030

"We spent so long looking for you, Harmy" I whispered softly as she lay in my lap. After finally finding her a few days ago Harmony had been quiet and distant. I didn't like it. She had slowly started to become more awake though and more like her usual self. 

We have been trying to get through to her, to know what happened. But she has no memory of those 3 days she was missing. She missed her sweet sixteen. She missed our first cheer practise, she loves cheer. Everyone in the dorm was already asleep. 

"I think it's bedtime" I whispered softly to Harmy as I brushed the hair around her face. She slowly got up and climbed the ladder up to her bunk. I slowly closed my eyes and drifted off into a peaceful dreamless sleep.

There was a loud banging sound, a forceful knock on the door. Alessia ran up to the door and opened it. It was Elijah. 

"What are you guys still doing in bed!" Elijah said in a panicked tone.

"AHHHHHHHHHH whats the time?" I shouted.

"8:30am! We are going to be late for breakfast!" Elijah shouted back. Somehow Harmy was still asleep. I shook her awake and hurriedly got dressed. I pulled on a white cropped sweater and some black tights, chucked on some converse sneakers and tied my hair up in a high pony. Elijah was so kind to wait for all of us, unlike the other guys who just went to breakfast.

In the dining hall we could only get the back table as we were late. All the hot food was gone so I got some yoghurt and fruit while the others chose their different continental breakfasts. I was eager to check my emails as a few weeks ago I applied for the choir of angels, the most prestigious choirs for angels. 

The results were due to come out today. Singing was like my hidden talent, I don't show my voice off like other girls and I find solos extremely embarrassing. If I got in I would have something for my father to be proud of, I could tell him on the upcoming parents day.

We went off to our first class, English with Ms Jones. Harmy, Pandora, Maya and Remi were in my class. I stayed close to Harmy, I didn't want to lose her again. This time last week is when we found out about Pandora being a Vampire. It was still hot goss. 

I think Elijah has found it frustrating, all my attention being set on Harmy, but he's doing well at trying to hide it. I was writing when I saw a notification pop up on my laptop. The subject Choir of Angels. I was so nervous, what if I didn't get in? 

I clicked on the notification, read the big paragraph until I read the part whether I got in or not.

"I GOT IN!!!!" I cried out to the class.

"Sophia, quiet and back to your writing" Ms Jones instructed me.

"I got into the choir of angels" I whispered to Harmy and Maya who were sitting next to me. I started singing Hallelujah in my head until the bell rang then we rushed to morning tea and I started humming it out loud.

"I got in! I got in! I got into the choir of angels!" I told everyone enthusiastically. "First practise is today." I quickly scoffed down my biscuit, I couldn't help it, it was my energy making me eat so fast. 

I sat there waiting for every one else to finish bobbing up and down elated and ready for our next class.

"Alessia" I called "I need to speak to you." Alessia and I walked outside where we could talk more privately.

"What's up Soph?" Alessia asked.

"As you know Harmy hasn't been herself recently, but she's been getting better. Well today in English she just spaced out again and couldn't remember what we were doing. I was asking her what her story was about but she just stared at the wall and when I shook her she didn't know. I was just wondering if your aura power thingo could tell us what's wrong when she does it again? I also wanted to ask if you could keep a close eye on her while I'm at choir."

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