♡︎ 𝘾 𝙃 𝘼 𝙋 𝙏 𝙀 𝙍 6 ♡︎

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After I finished putting everything away I decided to go and check my phone.
'Nothing. I didn't wanna go home, I was scared of what my mom would say to me. She could ground me for not telling her anything or answering her. I only told her I was going to a friends house, wait what if she already knew I was staying here over night? I might be fine if I go back home thinking more about it makes me feel more confident about it. Yeah, YEAH I'll be fine I'll just tell her I slept over that's all that easy. I'm so dumb I can just tell her.

My thinking was cut off my Toritsuka asking me if I was okay. I mean I get why he asked I probably looked weird just staring into space. Wait what he thinks I'm weird and doesn't wanna be friends with me anymore because if that? Oh my god what have I done I ruined a good friendship already-

"Uh Y/N are you alright? You kept spacing out?" Toritsuka said looking a little concerned.


"Woah it'a alright Y/N I was just worried about you that's all." He smiled at me

"O-oh well no need to be worried about me, I'm alright but I think I should be getting home now." I said as I got grabbed my bag.

"Okay then. Thanks for coming over!" He smiled and hugged me.

My face felt hot. I think I was blushing- ah please let him not see my face.
I smiled and hugged him back (<3)
As I turned around Toritsuka asked me,
"Hey- Y/N would you like me to walk you home?" Toritsuka asked me.

"Not today, I'll just walk myself home today, but thank you for the offer Reita." I said smiling.


'Oh my god she called me by my first name, that was kinda hot I hope she keeps calling me by my first name. I honestly don't mind it though. She looked so cute saying it.'

Her face was completely red, I mean my face was red to but, why does she have to look so cute? She's such an amazing person.

"Oh my god I am so sorry I really shouldn't have called you by your first name without asking you first. Please forgive me." She said while frowning and looking down at the ground.

"No no, it's alright!" I said smiling, "I actually liked it. If you want you can keep calling me by my first name! Actually you can call me whatever you want it doesn't matter to me."

"O-oh so it's really o-okay if I call you by your first name?" She said slowly looking up from the ground.

"Of course! We're friends so it shouldn't matter"

"A-alright! Thank you for telling me Reita!" She said smiling and walked out the door.

'I was so relieved that Reita wasn't mad at me, why would he even get mad? He seems like such a sweet guy and he doesn't seem like the type to get mad about something like that- I'm glad.'

I had walked up to my house, and checked the windows. 'No ones home?' I was surprised to see that no one was in there usually mom is in the kitchen- but she could be in the bathroom? Or maybe she's taking nap? I don't know.

I walked in and it was silent. I looked around the house and called out to my mom.

'No one is here.'

I guess she did go somewhere, I'm glad then I do t have to face her right away. I'm scared what if she yells and at me. She almost never tells at me because I'm usually such a good kid? But I didn't even tell her I was sleeping over? Why was I scared anyways? I could have asked her? But noooo I'm to scared to do anything and don't think. Why can't I do anything right..

I went up stairs to shower since I felt like I haven't showered in a while plus I had school tomorrow.

time skip because I don't know what to

After I got out of the shower I heard the door open and got ready really fast.

I slowly walked down stairs.

"Welcome back Y/N!" My mom smiled at me

'... what..?'

"Well what's the matter? Come and hug me." My mom said still smiling at me putting down the bags of groceries she had.

"How was your stay at your friends house? Did you have fun?" She asked me letting me go for the hug.

"Uhm, it was fine.. But why aren't you getting mad..?" I asked saying it a little quieter then before.

"Well what do I need to be mad for?" She asked confused.

"Well I never told you I was spending the night? Wouldn't that make you worry? And I didn't text you or anything-" I was cut off

"Oh that, I kind of figured you were staying the night, and I know how you can be forgetful sometimes so I just thought you were probably having fun with your friend" she said while putting the groceries away.

"Oh, then I guess I was worrying for nothing. Sorry I didn't say anything mom."

"It's perfectly fine, now help me out the rest if these groceries away." My mom said.

"Alright!" I said as I started putting things away.

after putting all that stuff away

"Hey mom, I'm gonna head up stairs now." I said walking up stairs.

"Alright sweetie thank you for the help!"

I flopped onto my bed grabbed my phone. I had a few messages from Reita ( I don't even know how he got her number just pretend he asked at some point).
He asked if I was okay and if my mom got mad at me. I replied, 'no she didn't even seem to care about it that much'
He replied, 'alright, I'm glad your okay'
I smiled, he was so sweet.

lol another time skip

Me and Reita talked for a while and next thing I knew, it was already night time. I told Reita that I was going to go to bed now. I put my phone down and went to sleep.

*uploads a chapter at 3:00 am* <3 fun times bruh I wanna keep updating now- like I feel like I got real lots of ideas. Ima start on the next chapter now thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed peace ✌️

Word count: 1148

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