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hEy gUyS- I'm thinking of writing another fanfic :D but I don't know who to write about so- could you guys give me some ideas of who I can do? I'd very much appreciate it! Anyways I'll stop talking now-

As me and Y/N were walking I seen my best friend! And I ran over to him, so did Y/N.

"Hey Saiki!" I yelled as I ran over to him
'yArE yArE' (I can't write that and not start laughing at myself-) saiki said to me telepathically. 'What do you want now?' He said seeming annoyed by me.
"Woah chill, I just wanted to say hi to my best friend!" I said smiling while following him around, Y/N also followed but she didn't say anything, she was pretty quiet and just kept her head down.

God why does this weirdo keep following me around? Why doesn't he just go talk to the girl following him around? Didn't he say he, liked her or something like that? I don't know not my problem anyways. "Come on Saikiiii" he whined, "talk to me, I need your help with something." "Whatever it is I don't care, now leave me alone" I said in a little bit of a harsher way. "Pleaseeeeee, just this one thing. I promise I'll leave you alone for the rest of the day?" He kept begging me until he said something about getting me coffee jelly and I gave in.

"YES THANK YOU SAIKI!" He said getting even more annoying then he was before. I rolled my eyes.

Y / N P.O.V
The whole time I was just quiet not really paying attention to way they were saying I just, kept following Reita around. He was kinda the only friend I had and, I didn't wanna be alone? I hate being alone yet I stay in my room all day- but I really like Reita- NOT IN THAT WAY I MEAN I THINK NOT IN THAT WAY! I don't even know anymore- I mean I guess I've taken a little bit of a liking to him but I don't know if I actually like him like that? I mean he' s a really nice guy, he seems really amazing. Wait how did I get to talking about this anyways- my thoughts were cut off when Reita said something to me, god looking into his eyes made me feel nervous now? Like I feel weird now- "hello? Y/NNN?" Reita said trying ti gain my attention, "what- Oh sorry! I'm so sorry Reita!" I said all panicky. "Oh it's okay Y/N" he smiled, "I was just wondering if you could leave for a sec? I wanna ask Saiki something if that's okay with you?" He said hoping he didn't offend me in any way. "Oh sure! Yeah I'll step away for sec" I walked off wondering what he was asking Saiki? Maybe it was really important I kinda wanna know- NO STOP Y/N stop being curious what if it's really personal? What if you ask him then he gets offended or sad? I definitely wouldn't want that to happen. I can't stand it when I make people sad. It's just the worst it always makes me wanna cry for some reason knowing I hurt someone.

Once Y/N left I turns to Saiki and asked him. "Sooo, I was wondering if you could... You know? Help me out with Y/N-" I said kinda embarrassed, I know I've asked this kinda stuff before but it just feels different with Y/N?
'Why do you need help? She already seems to have taken a liking to you surprisingly.' Saiki said, while I just stood there shocked. 'WHAT A GIRL ACTUALLY LIKES ME? WOW THATS AMAZING I'VE NEVER FELT THJS FEELING BEFORE! THATS SO COOL' I said in my mind kinda freaking out at what he just told me. 'Well she doesn't quite know how she's feels about you actually but it's kinda obvious she has a thing for you.' Saiki looked so weird after he said that, like he was weirded out by it or something? He legit looks like he just cringed saying that whole sentence, he probably did since he isn't used to doing this kinda stuff. (Bro I cringed writing that whole thing.)
After me and Saiki were done talking I started looking for Y/N and seen her talking to a girl.

Y / N P.O.V
"I was standing around the halls waiting for Reita to be done when I girl with green hair walked up to me and started talking to me and asking me questions. "Hey I'm Mikoto Aiura!" She said in a cheerful tone.
"O-oh, hello my name is Y/N L/N." I said shyly and kinda quietly. "So, aren't you like the newest student here?" She asked me, "oh yes, I am." I said smiling a little she seemed like a nice person. I thought. "Well how do you like it so far? It's pretty amazing here." "Well it is pretty amazing, everyone's so nice, unlike people in my last school, I was to scared to talk to anyone there-" I said, my last school was kinda scary though, I wouldn't talk to anyone at all, people weren't that nice but here everyone was very sweet to me. "Well I'm glad you came here!" She said smiling and putting her arm over me. "Maybe we can be like best friends or something?" She said still smiling really big. "Really?" I also started smiling bigger. "I would love to be friends with you! I mean I only really had one friend here so this is amazing!" "Woah really?" I asked looking surprised, "Well I'll help you make more friends!" She was so sweet, Mikoto was so amazing and I only just met her a few minutes ago. "You're so sweet. Thank you for being so kind" "anything for my new bestie!" She finally let me go and I heard someone yell my name. I turned around to see Reita, to be honest I forgot about him for second- after talking to Mikoto all that time. Reita ran up to me and asked me what I was doing. "Oh I was talking to my new friend!" I said smiling, "Hm? You know this weirdo Mikoto asked me. "Oh yeah! He was my first friend here!" I said, "Why? Do you also know Reita?" I asked her. "Yeah, he's a weirdo and a really big perv-" Reita covered her mouth and pulled her over, and started whispering to her about something.

I covered Mikotos mouth really fast before she could say anything else and pulled her over. "Come on don't ruin this for me!" I whisper yelled at her. "What do you mean?" She whisper yelled back, "I'm only telling the truth you are a big perv!" She said "Yeah well Y/N doesn't know that and I don't want her to know! Then she'll stop being friends with me which I don't want to happen!" "Why does she wanna be friends with you anyways?" She asked rolling her eyes, "because I'm amazing" I answered. "Mm sureeee, anyway chill I won't tell her if you really don't want me too, because if I do then you'll be extra annoying and it might make Y/N sad so I won't say anything about it." She just rolled her eyes at me and walked back to Y/N. "Sorry about the Y/N I have no idea why he did that" she glared at me. "Oh no it's totally fine I don't mind it at all." She said smiling. Why was Y/N so amazing? I never wanna take my eyes off her. Then Mikoto started talking again.

Y / N P.O.V
"So Y/N wanna walk home together after school then we can go to your house and paint each other's nails or whatever." She said hoping I would say yes. "Of course!" I said. "I'll just make sure it's okay with my parents."
"Alright then, see you after school Y/N!" She started to walk away, then I heard foot steps again then she jumped on me and asked for my number, we exchanged numbers then she said bye and walked off to her next class. I had completely forgot Reita was standing there then I apologized to him. "Sorry Reita!" I said while looking down. "I completely forgot you were there I was to busy talking to Mikoto!" I was scared he was gonna get mad for some reason but he didn't. "It's okay Y/N, she's your knee friend after all, of course your gonna talk to her lots it's alright you don't gotta be sorry" he said reassuring me. "Oh good thank you, I thought I did something wrong. I guess I'm okay." I smiled and we both walked off to our next classes.

hEYY sorry for updating- I keep forgetting to update this- anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter it took long to write tHeRes like 1000 words and it's like 1 am rn so like I'm kinda tired- but I'm not gonna sleep because no. Well hope you're having an amazing day or night or wHaTeVer but just hope you're doing good now bYe bYe my little rEaDeRs ❤️✨😩🥺🥰

 Well hope you're having an amazing day or night or wHaTeVer but just hope you're doing good now bYe bYe my little rEaDeRs ❤️✨😩🥺🥰

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