ocs that arent in the anime that i am adding

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~{ edit= so i noticed that i forgot to put 2 of the other ocs since wattpad took them off somehow- but anyway continue }~

himari saiko zodiac/anima wolf birthday= august 31 gender= female sexuality= bisexual has white hair and red eyes

hikaru saiko zodiac/animal= fox birthday= march 25 age= 17 gender= male sexuality= pansexual has black hair and dark green eyes

Mika saiko Zodiac= Dog Birthday= feb 13 Age= 24 gender= Female Sexuality= straight Has light brown hair and cyan eyes

 Harper saiko Zodiac= Rat Birthday= Jan 26 Age= 16 gender= nonbinary uses any pronouns Sexuality= Bisexual Has Dark blue and dark blue eyes

 Rika saiko Zodiac= ox Birthday= feb 8 Age= 17 gender= male sexuality= straight has two different sides has Black and white hair and Blue eyes 

 Claire Saiko Zodiac= Roster Birthday= Feb 2 Age= 21 Gender= female sexuality= Straight has brown hair and light blue eyes

 Xiao saiko Zodiac= cat birthday= Sep 5 Age= 18 Gender= Nonbinary uses she/He/them Sexuality= pansexual has dirty blonde hair and green eyes

 Alex Saiko Zodiac= boar Birthday= Nov 7 Age= 17 Gender= Female Sexuality= Lesbian has red hair and orange eyes

 Kaiko saiko Zodiac= Sea horse/Dragon Birthday= June 9 Age= 26 Gender= male Sexuality= Asexual Has blue hair and Light blue eyes

 Livia Saiko Zodiac= Rabbit Birthday= Jan 29 Age= 17 Gender= female Sexuality= Straight has blonde hair and light green eyes

 Rinu saiko Zodiac= horse Birthday= Jan 27 Age= 19 Gender= male Sexuality= straight Has purple hair and black eyes

 Milo saiko Zodiac= lion Birthday= July 25 Age=14 Gender= male sexuality= Asexual Hay blonde golden hair and cyan eyes

 aika saiko Zodiac/animal= Butterfly birthday = June 1 Age= 27 Gender= Female Sexuality= Straight Has purple hair and dark purple eyes

 Kaito saiko Zodiac/animal= Eagle Birthday= Dec 7 Age= 15 Gender= male Sexuality= Gay Has dark brown hair and light green eyes

 Ray saiko Zodiac= sheep Birthday= may 5 Age=11 Gender=Male Sexuality= Still trying to figure out Has Grey hair and white eyes 

 The other zodiacs/animals are either their maids and butlers cause i'm way too lazy to write the others and my hand hurts-

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