Trying New Foods

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          Allen got back from his field trip to Japan. His friend, Kanda, introduced him to this magical food named mitarashi dango. Allen wanted to try more food after that. 

          Here he is, standing in the kitchen, making new food combos. It was late at night and both Nea and Mana were asleep. Allen smiles knowing he can make new food combos now. He couldn't do this during the day because Mana would not let him do it and Nea would probably tease him.

          'Now, what foods to mix.' Allen thought. Allen grabs bread, mayo, cheese, chocolate sauce, and pickles. "Time to make!" Allen whisper shouts. He makes the gross sandwich combo and takes a bite. Allen gags and spits it in the trashcan. He throws the sandwich away. 'Never again.' Allen promises himself. 

          Allen gets leftover meatloaf from dinner, soy sauce, onions, and Worcestershire sauce. He grabs a bowl and mixes it into a fine paste. Allen grabs a spoon and eats it. With the same result as last time, he spits it up. He dumps the paste of evil into the trashcan and tosses the bowl in the sink. 

          Timcanpy makes its appearance. "Tim!" Allen whisper shouts. Tim flys up to the top shelf of one of the cupboards and gets Girl Scout Thin Mint cookies. It drops it to Allen. "Thank you," Allen says. Allen opens the box and takes a cookie out. He eats a few and gets a bright idea. Allen grabs the mustard bottle and puts it on the Thin Mint. He eats it and what a shocker! It wasn't all that bad! "I'm a genius!" Allen says to Tim and pets him. 

          Allen eats a few more mustard Thin Mints and realizes he at the whole box. 'Mana and Nea are going to kill me...' Allen thought. "Tim! Hide the box." Allen demands nicely. Tim eats the box. "Good golem," Allen whispers and pets Tim. 

          Allen starts to get thirsty and remembers there are bottles of liquid under the sink. He opens the cabinet under the sink. Allen takes out a bottle and looks at the label. "This looks promising!" Allen whispers. He grabs a cup a pours it in. 

Mana's POV:

          I wake up to the sound of vomiting. I get out of bed and rush over to Nea's room. I open it and see that he's still asleep. I go over to him and shake him. "Mana?" Nea asks. "I think Allen's sick," I say. Nea gets out of bed. "Welp, let's go help him out," Nea says. We get out of his room and over to the first-floor bathroom. I open the door and see Allen hunched over the toilet. 

          "Allen, are you okay?" I ask and walk over to him. I crouch down and rub his back. "I drank something na-" Allen vomits more. "Nea, can you investigate what he drank?" I ask. Nea nods and leaves. 

          A few moments later I hear Nea shout, "Allen drank the Pine-Sol!" My blood runs cold. "Allen, we're going to the doctor right now!" I shout. I pick him up and rush out of the bathroom. This kid is going to be the death of this family, I swear.

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