The Kids Start a Band (Part 1)

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The four losers start a band

          Allen was excited. Well, that would be an understatement. Allen received news that Kanda and Lavi knew how to play an instrument. Kanda the drums and Lavi the guitar. All he needed was Lenalee. She had a good singing voice. He could join in with her on singing if his piano skills weren't needed. It was the perfect layout for a band!

          Mana and Nea nervously sweat as they see Allen smirk. "What are you planning this time?" Mana asks. "I wanna start a band with Lavi, Lenalee, and Kanda!" Allen replies. Nea sighs in relief and Mana smiles. "That sounds like the best idea ever! Let me call them up!" Mana says and gets out his phone. Nea picks Allen up and sits him on his shoulder. "You becoming a rockstar?" Nea asks. "Yeah!" Allen replies. Nea smiles.

          This was great news to Nea. That means he can help Allen look the part! "Allen, I'm going to help you look like part! Just imagine you wearing a biker jacket and some cool chains!" Nea says. "I wanna look polite though. Maybe a white button-up, red suspenders, back jeans, and a red bowtie." Allen says. Nea imagens it and squeals. "You're going to look so cute!" Nea shouts. "Guys, hush! I'm on the phone." Mana says. "Sorry." Allen and Nea whisper.

          The two idiots look at each other and grin. Nea giggles. "What are you going to name your band?" Nea asks. Allen thinks for a bit. "I'll call it My Stuff Is Being Stolen And Put On A Site Called Doc Truyen," Allen replies. "That is quite the name," Nea says. "Yeah! The first album will be called Other People's Art And Stories Are Being Stolen On That Site. That Site Has NSFW Ads So Be Careful." Allen says. Nea chuckles. "I like that."

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