Who's Joe?

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I'm back? UwU

Allen was minding his own business when all of the sudden, Nea busts into his room. Allen knew something was up by the way Nea was smiling. "Hey, Al! Have you heard any news from Joe?" Nea asks. "No, who's Joe?" Allen replies, very confused. "JOE MAMA!" Nea shouts. Allen, tired of Nea's shit, proceeds to get up from his bed and kick Nea in the nuts. The sheer force of hatred that went into that kick made Nea pass out!


Mana was making lunch for everyone while humming. Nea enters the room and leans against the fridge. "Hey, have you heard of this dish called Ligma? It's good!" Nea says. Mana raises an eyebrow. "What's Ligma?" He asks. With an evil smirk, Nea replies: "Ligma balls." Mana sighs and flings a piece of raw chicken at the immature man child next to him.

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