Dahmo - I love you, but you love him.

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Dahyun pov:
There she goes again, touching me like I'm hers. It makes my heart flutter so bad and I hate it.

We finished another fansign and headed back to the dorm.

The girls were so hyper and upbeat but I couldn't bring myself to take it anymore.

"Hey, Dahyunnie?... are you okay?" Sana unnie broke me out of my trance with a worried stare.

"Yeah unnie, I'm okay, just really tired." She seemed to understand and she left me alone after that.

We arrived at the dorm and I didn't bother to speak to anyone, I went straight to my room.

Sana pov
She doesn't seem okay. I'm so worried. I followed her straight to her room to talk to her.

I knocked but there wasn't an answer. I then heard sniffles coming from inside. I immediately burst through the door to find Dahyunnie crying on her bed.

Author pov
Sana sat next to Dahyun on the bed and just pulled her into a hug. "Shh Dahyunnie... you can cry, it's okay" she quietly just let her cry.

The crying had reduced to sniffling.
"Unnie, why?" Dahyun asked not really waiting for a response.
"Why does she have to play with me? She's in a relationship with him but she's here touching me like that just for fanservice."

"Am I not human? Do I not feel emotions? Not once did she ask me if I was okay with doing fanservice with her. It hurts so bad, unnie, it hurts s-so bad." Her voice cracks and she breaks down once again.

After a little bit, they laid on the bed, in a comfortable position. Peacefully, they slept.

The next day, when they awoke, they got read for another fansign. Dahyun had made Sana promise not to tell the members anything.

At the fansign, Momo continued her fanservice but Sana just couldn't take it. Even though Dahyun never told her who was hurting her, it was quite obvious.

Sana walked up to them and pulled Dahyun away from Momo smoothly. "I can't take it Dahyunnie, knowing it hurts you so bad like that, knowing that you'll cry because of this. So let me be there for you and comfort you, please?" She whispered so only she and Dahyun could hear.

After a few seconds of contemplation, Dahyun decided to agree.

Time skip to after two weeks of Dahyun and Sana doing skinship.

Sana pov
Dahyun has looked happier now. Seeing her smile makes my heart burst with happiness. I think I've fallen for her. We've been spending a lot of time together and I've began to love everything about her.

I know she still loves Momo so much but I can't help myself. I won't do anything although I really want to.

Author pov
The two girls have been getting incredibly close and Momo noticed this.

Momo pov
Why are they ignoring me? I haven't done anything wrong...have I?

I have to talk to them, it's been two weeks since either of them held a conversation with me.

Author pov
Momo cornered the two girls after they finished a full day of schedules.

She locked the door behind her. "Why are you ignoring me?"

"We aren't ignoring you, unnie." Dahyun answered with blank face.

"Stop that bullshit, Dahyun. I know you're both ignoring me and it hurts! I don't even know what I've done. It feels like I've lost my best friends! Why? Just tell me why? What did I do? Why do you hate me-"

"Momo, I could never hate you sighs you want to know why I've been ignoring you? Because you hurt me everyday. You think how you feel is bad? You touch me like I'm yours and you kiss me like I am when we all know you go running to Heechul. You love him but you play with me. You use this excuse that it's for the fans, fanservice. But you came up with this idea all on your own. You didn't even consider me. It was all just your dumb idea to get attention away from your relationship. Tell me, unnie, Do you love me like you love him?" There was a deafening silence.

"Hmm? No..that's what I thought. Sighs I love you so much, I'm so madly in love with you. Everytime you look at me, my heart races and the butterflies in my stomach start to flutter. I love you you so much that, I feel like I can't breathe when you smile at me." She stops.

"Please give me time to stop loving you, just please leave me alone for a while. I know it will hurt but I need to do this for myself." She gives a sad smile and walks out the door leaving Sana and Momo there alone.

The Japanese girls were both in tears. One because of guilt and regret and the other because of anger and sadness.

Sana said, "I know what you did doesn't seem that bad but, it really broke her. Just give her some time." She left as well, leaving Momo in her thoughts.

Momo said to herself, crying, "I'm such an idiot. I've lost them both."
Sana sat in her room, "Why did I fall for you?"

All three girls felt the effects of a broken heart. All in a different way. The youngest out of them, learned how to cope and eventually got better but her heart was still hurting.

That's something she'll never fix.

Hello readers! Hope you liked this one shot, it was requested by a friend (Multi) and I hope I lived up to your expectations 😂

Anyway, if you have any requests leave them here :)

Until next time,
May we meet again,

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