Doll-Bucky Barnes💦

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What had started out as an innocent date has transformed into you squirming in your seat as you desperately tried not to think about Bucky.

Your date was...well he wasn't a good date at all.

Talking about his accomplishments in the stock market, how he dropped out of business school and made it on his own—with the help of daddy's money of course.

He was not only boring, but you knew there was no way he would compare to Bucky.

The only reason you went out with him is because a mutual friend had set you both up, saying it was a good idea since you were both single.

But were you single? Were you really truly single if Bucky's dick flashed across your phone screen?

It was quite clear the Bucky didn't approve of the date, a shiver rolling down your spine at the thought of what Bucky would do to you.

Your date continued chatting, blabbering about how much money he'd made today in stocks—stroking his own ego as you opened the familiar yellow application.

The first picture was tame, a shameless mirror selfie of Bucky in those grey sweatpants you adored sitting snug and low on his hips.

You could see the evident outline of his cock, the next snap becoming a more risqué as he held his cock through his pants.

Captioning the photo Hope your date is going well doll and it made your stomach flip in utter excitement.

Now that you were staring at the purple square you couldn't care less about what your date was talking about—he was clearly getting something out of talking him and only him.

You had to be subtle, eyes widening only slightly when you opened Bucky's Snapchat.

Easier said than done when it was your black lace panties wrapped around his cock as he jerked off with the caption Thinking of your sweat pussy.

You couldn't take your eyes off the screen before the video cut out and suddenly, your throat was dry.

A gulp of water later and you still couldn't shake the image of your panties around Bucky's cock.

"Would you excuse me, I just have to run to the bathroom," you said with a tight-lipped smile as he practically shooed you off.

You wove in and out of the various tables and chairs until you pressed your body against the bathroom door—relieved to find it was a single person one.

It was locked, staring at yourself through the mirror as you quickly looked Bucky's contact and held your phone to your ear.

It rang, it rang again, and then he picked up.

"How's the date goin', doll?" You could hear the smirk he wearing as you paced the small space.

"You think that's funny?" You sounded exasperated and sexually frustrated as Bucky just laughed on the other side.

"I think it's pretty damn funny that you think you'll find someone who makes you cum as hard as I do." His words are low and raspy as you hear him take a sharp breath.

"Come home, doll," he purrs, "I miss you."

Your pussy jumps at his words, the ache growing and you can feel the wetness in your panties before you hear the familiar sound of his lubed up cock.

"Bucky, are you masturbating right now?" You're not offended, nor are you mad, instead, your voice is a low hum as you close your eyes.

"I told you I couldn't stop thinkin' of you," he groans and you can hear his soft pants along with his hand moving over his dick.

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