Sebastian Stan💦

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The room is quiet and dark. The sun is peaking through the cracks of the blinds. There is a light thumping in the front of your head. Your eyes flutter open and the comforter is pulled just below your eyes. The moment of peacefulness is ripped from you, the moment you hear the alarm sound increasing in volume. Groaning, you blindly reach for your phone, clicking the sides to mute the ear-piercing tone. You tug the blanket over your head, huffing.

It was six-thirty and getting ready for a ten-hour workday is not something you desire at the moment. The moment you think you're safe to drift back to sleep, another agonizing alarm sound goes off. This time, it isn't yours. You prop yourself up with your elbow, irritation growing every second the alarm keeps sounding. The sleeping man next to you, peacefully unaware of your annoyance. He turns over, still asleep, but now facing you. The light thumping in your head turns into loud pounding.

"Hey," You shake his shoulder, attempting to wake him up.

"Babe!" The attempt fails, he still sound asleep.

With the failed attempt and a pounding headache, you take a deep breath. You hoist yourself up, sitting completely up and looking around vigorously looking around for his damn phone. It is laying face down blaring on his end table that is cluttered with books and half-empty water bottles. You lean over his sleeping body, reaching for the phone.

Your actions cause him to stir, waking him. He finally hears the blaring sound of his alarm. He is surprised by the sudden sound and the sight of your torso over top of him. Your shirt is riding up, granting him a sneak peek of your bare chest. You don't notice your now conscious boyfriend underneath you. You finally grasp the phone, clicking the sides and the beautiful sound of silence filling your ears. The pounding in your head, slowing back down to a light thumping. You sigh in relief, resting your palm on his chest.

"Well, good morning to you too." Sebastian's voice causing you to jump.

His arms wrap around your body. You give in to his grip and you fall back into the mattress. Sebastian loosens his grip just enough for you to lay on your back. His arm now laying on top of your stomach and head on your shoulder.

The sunlight shines brighter through the cracks. You groan at the realization that the dream of sleeping in is not going to be a reality.

"Morning," You pout.

Sebastian smiles up at you. His fingers trace small patterns on your exposed skin on your side. He kisses your shoulder. Your forearm covers your eyes, praying if you ignore the time, it'll reset a couple of hours. Sebastian knows that you're not a morning person. He loves the way your face scrunches when he has to pull you out of bed. There has been one too many times you've been late to work in the last couple of weeks. Sebastian rapidly pecks kisses on your shoulder, before ripping the comforter from your body. The stinging cold sends anger and shivers through your body.

"Sebastian!" You reach for the blanket but can't seem to find it. He pushes it to his side of the bed.

"Trebuie să te ridici, dragă. (you have to get up, darling)"

"You're mean," The whine leaves your lips.

He chuckles in response. Sebastian watches you throw your legs over the side of the bed, sitting for a moment. You hoist yourself off the bed. The oversized t-shirt barely covers your ass. He is propped up on his elbow watching your lower half. Your shirt rises, exposing the small fabric that is sadly covering the best parts. Sebastian bites his lip, holding back a moan. You clip your hair away from your face, before turning around breaking his trance.

"I'm going to go shower," Sebastian's eyes light up.

His favorite part of the morning.
"Alone." His face falls and you look at him in amusement.

It's like you just told a kid no more candy, he is now pouting. Sebastian knows it's punishment for forcing you awake. He falls back dramatically silently screaming. You enter the bathroom that's attached to the bedroom. No door separates the rooms, leaving the ability for Sebastian to watch.

You stand in front of the archway, back facing him. His eyes stare you down from the bed. His cock twitching at the sight of you bending over to pull off your underwear. He stares in amazement at how irresistible you are seven in the morning. How easily his cock stirs at just looking at you. Your shirt is discarded and tossed on the bathroom counter. The door to the shower opens with a pop. You disappear behind the wall, turning the knob, releasing the water.

"You're killing me!" You laugh to yourself as you hear his muffled shouts.

Sebastian is fully erect at this point. His length throbbing with the knowledge you feet away completely bare- about to be wet. He is having a mental battle about rather or not to masturbate or break the new rule and sneak in with you. With masturbating, he knows how annoyed you'd get, but it's a guaranteed release.

You're in his view again, you smirk at his apparent frustration. The bulge is clear, making your mouth water. You step into the shower, letting the water run down your body. The sound of the water soothing the last bit of the thumping. You run the loofa up and down your body, lathering the soap around you.

Sebastian can't stop thinking about the soap along your body, your hands running over yourself. He tries to think about something else but is distracted by the image of your body pressed against the shower wall. His cock buried deep inside you and your arm around his neck for support- moans echoing throughout the confined space. Sebastian's hand slips underneath the waistband of his briefs. The grip around his cock, relieving some tension. He'd pump himself a few times, before freeing himself from his boxers. Light moans leave his mouth at the thought of your breast bouncing against his chest as he demolishes your pussy. His hand is not satisfying enough and he knows the only thing that will is your pretty pussy- recklessly thrusting into without caution.

Sebastian's moans are all you'd hear as his head resting on the inside of your neck. He'd hoist you up to readjust and the whimper you'd let fall from your lips more pornographic than before, sending Sebastian through the roof. Your nails digging into his shoulder or back while he gets deeper inside you. Sebastian knew that his hand isn't going to satisfy him.

He says fuck it, throwing the blankets back on your side. He rids himself of his briefs and rushes to the shower door. Your eyes are closed from rinsing out the last bit of your conditioner. The sound of the shower door opening causes your body to jolt backward.

"Ow!" You yelp as your head hits the metal shower caddie.

Sebastian doesn't acknowledge the incident and pulls your bare body against his.

"You're going to be very, very" His lips are hot against your skin, completely melting into him.

"very late, dragă," You gasp at the sensation of his fingers slipping inside you.

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