Sebastian Stan💦

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"Baby, what are you doing?" Sebastian chuckled as he looked down towards you.

Sebastian had woken up to the feeling of a soft touch against his thighs. At first, he was confused, till he looked down and saw you between his legs, placing kisses along his thighs. He'd gone to bed in only his boxer briefs and nothing else so if anything it gave you full access. Your eyes looked up towards him through your lashes with a small smirk on your lips.

"What?" You slowly moved your hands up along his thighs slowly, sitting back on your knees as you look down towards him. "You know how much I love your thighs."

"[Y/N]," He spoke with a shy smile on his face, you moved up his body making sure to leave small kisses along his chest, neck, and face as you straddled across his lap.

Sebastian moaned softly as you nipped gently along his neck. His hands moved to your thighs and gripped them tightly as slowly you began to grind your hips down against him. You could hear his breath start to become more and more labored, and that's when you knew you had him. Something about this morning and waking up to his face made you ache for him. Sebastian's bare chest out for your eyes to see, his legs spread slightly with your right leg thrown over his calf slightly. You lost your mind, nearly, at the sight of his thick thighs. You couldn't help yourself.

Sebastian's hands gripped tighter and tighter on you before soon he wrapped an arm around your waist and moved to flip the two of you. His larger body hovered over yours as he captured your lips in a deep kiss. It nearly left you breathless as you felt him settle between your legs, pressing against you and slowly grinding against you. A soft mewl was slightly muffled between your lips as you felt him hard, pressing against you enough to give you the smallest bit of relief. But you thrust your hips against him wanting more.

The two of you pulled away from each other, slightly breathless before his hands moved beneath the larger shirt you were wearing. He moved quickly to pull it over your head and toss it off to the side, before bending his head down to greedily take your nipple into his mouth. Your hand reached to the back of his head and threaded your fingers through it, tugged slightly as you felt his tongue moving against your sensitive nipple. Sebastian pulled away, releasing it with a soft pop before his eyes connected with yours. His beautiful blue eyes darkened with lust before he kissed you hungrily. His tongue won the dominance in the kiss quickly as his hands moved between the two of you.

"Sebast-tian...fuck.." You pulled away with a curse as his fingers slowly thrust into you. Not too fast, not too slow. Just enough to tease you. A growl vibrating against his chest as felt how wet you were for him already.

Your body shuddered slightly against his touch, your hips moving against his hands trying to find more relief. Sebastian loved driving the small moans and whimpers out of you. His cock hard and aching to be inside of you, but he needed to hear you beg first.

"Come on, angel, you know what I want." His voice now deeper and thicker for another reason, you moaned as you clenched around his fingers slightly. That only made Sebastian chuckle, curling his fingers against you more.

"P-please...please, baby, need to f-feel you...oh" You gasped slightly before your eyes rolled into the back of your slightly. Sebastian pulled his hand away from between your legs before bringing his fingers to his lips. You watched as his lips wrapped around his fingers and sucked on them, moaning as he tasted you against his tongue.

"Fuck," You cursed, watching as he quickly took off his briefs, kicking them off till they were thrown to the floor.

Your hand moved up to grip along his side as you felt him sink into you, your legs bent back towards your chest as he stretched you out. You could feel every inch of him, nearly leaving you breathless and speechless. Your hand moved down towards his thighs as he pressed tightly against you. Sebastian hissing as he felt your nails dig into his skin, but a part of him loved it. Drawing his mind away from how good you felt wrapped around him for a moment. He needed to catch and gather his thoughts, afraid if he moved too soon he wouldn't last long.

Your eyes scanned over his face as he bit down on his lower lip. Sebastian's eyes tightly shut as he breathed heavily through his nose. He never got used to how tight and wet you'd get for him. Enough to make him finish quickly, something that has happened in the past before. But he wanted this to last. He wanted to draw it out till the two of you couldn't take it any more.

Sebastian opened his eyes as he pulled his hips back, before snapping them forward. A small gasp passed through your swollen lips as he started to do it over and over and over. Soon he found a rhythm, a rhythm that made your toes curl and call out his name. He could never get tired of the way you said his name. Coming off your lips in soft moans and breaths, like a sweet prayer only meant for him. He wanted to spend the rest of his life hearing you.

Your lips hovered over each other, so close you could feel the other's breath fan across your face. You couldn't keep your eyes away from his. You felt a tightness start in your chest, while Sebastian felt you clenching around him tighter, almost pulling him into you deeper with each thrust. You were close. You were gonna cum.

"Give it to me," Sebastian demanded, moving back on his knees to grip your waist tighter and pulled you down onto him with each thrust. Your moans grew louder and louder, losing yourself in how good he felt.

"Sebastian! Oh..."

Your legs shook slightly as you came, a wanton moan coming from you as you felt it wash over your body. Sebastian couldn't keep his eyes off you, watching you cum bringing him over the edge. He thrust into you sloppily before pressing tightly against you as he came deep inside of you. You moved your hands along his chest as you felt him fill you.

His body fell against yours more, feeling some of his strength escape him, his slick chest pressed against yours. The two of you were covered in a sheen of sweat. Your legs wrapped around his waist and pulled him into you more, moaning as you felt him settle and relax against you. Sebastian placed sloppy wet kisses along your collarbone and neck, before pulling back to lazily smile down towards you. Your heart stopped for a moment and you fell in love a little more.

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