Bucky Barnes💦

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When Bucky came home from his latest mission, everything would be ready to go.

It wasn't like you had to hide the thoughts racing through your head, Bucky wasn't home yet to ask you what they were. You paced around the house in utter agony waiting on his arrival.

You started this. You asked him if he wanted to do it.

He was laying on the bed a week before he left for the mission, and he wasn't expecting you home for another three hours. You were out running errands, and he decided it would be the perfect time for him to explore his body and shove a finger or two up his ass.

Either you made it home early that day, or his masturbation session lasted too long. You caught him writhing on the bed with a bottle of lube tossed to the side, so close to another orgasm that he could taste it.

You didn't make him feel bad about it, just shut the bedroom door and listened to his pornographic moans as he continued to finger himself through it. The image of his sculpted body glistening with sweat while he edged himself had you tripping over flat surfaces for the rest of the day.

Bucky was startled when you brought it up the next morning, choking on his coffee and cowering into the corner of the couch. You knew that new things scared him from time to time, but maybe you could take part in what made him feel good.

"What if I... did it to you?" You asked hesitantly.

"Doll," he brushed the idea off quickly. "You don't need to do it for me."

"But I want to."

You did want to, and you showed him that. You kept a stealthy habit of catching him in his most vulnerable moments, watching him get closer and closer to the edge of release as you sat next to his legs on the mattress, observing. All you could do was look.

He doesn't hate you for it. If anything, it just makes everything more intense when you're sitting in front of him, your panties getting drenched at the sight of his wrecked state. Bucky can't stop thinking about devouring your sweet pussy after he finishes himself off, fueling his fire.

The day before he leaves for the mission, he orders a strap-on. He sits down on the couch for hours with clammy hands and a nervous expression as he browses on the laptop, but he doesn't end up ordering anything particularly graphic. Just a simple black harness with a blue dildo attached.

"Blue?" You teased. "You could've gotten one of the glittery ones, or neon pink. Blue is kinda boring."

"I'm letting you fuck me," he shut the laptop after taking one last look at the order summary. "You should be satisfied."

"Very satisfied," you chuckled.

Bucky had been home from the mission for a day. He was tired when he got home, slumping into your arms and begging for some rest.

It was good, no addressing the package in the room that was sitting on your bedside table. You had called him while he was away on multiple occasions, many of which were sleepy I love you's, but you did mention that the strap-on arrived.

You can hear him in the shower now, bright and early. If you hadn't been so comfortable, you would've jumped in with him. He emerges from the bathroom with a towel around his waist, skin still damp as he searches through the drawers for something to wear.

"No," you whisper. "Don't get dressed."

He gives you a questioning look, and you gesture to the box on the table next to you. Bucky picks it up with his vibranium hand, reopening the already torn packaging.

"Oh my god," he blushes a little. "I almost forgot about this."

"Why don't you lay down?" You start walking towards the bathroom. "And I'll be back in just a minute."

You take the strap-on from his hands and leave him to get settled on the bed. A twinge of fear settles in the pit of your stomach, but what could really go wrong?

"Hi," Bucky greets you bashfully. He's sprawled out completely, legs spread.

Only in your wildest dreams would Bucky Barnes, a former assassin and a Super Soldier, let you take him like this.

You feel a bit more collected now, teeth brushed and naked just like Bucky is. "Are you sure this is all okay with you?"


One long sigh of relief leaves your body and you climb over to him, capturing his lips with yours. You let your hands roam his body like he tends to do with you during foreplay, and he pulls you closer.

"I'm gonna take good care of you, baby," you brush your fingers through his stubble, it's nice when he grows it out. You slide down between his legs, taking his fairly soft cock in your hands. It doesn't take long for him to start getting hard as you kiss the tender skin of his thighs and stroke his length.

You wish everything didn't have to be so involved when you realize you have to reach over to the drawer to grab some lube. Bucky whines at the loss of contact, all cute and needy. He's so much bigger than you and could have you pinned down in an instant, yet you have him twisted in knots.

"Relax," you hush him, preparing your fingers to loosen him up. You ogle at his puckered hole, it's on the list of Bucky's body parts you haven't touched. Your index finger curiously travels to circle it, teasing him and making it flutter.

"Thought you were gonna fuckin' get inside me," he grunts.

You laugh and plunge a finger in, stretching him ever-so-slightly. He incoherently begs for another and you comply, watching his blue eyes roll back. You move your fingers slowly and curl them, you know Bucky does that to himself.

"Pretty boy," you muse. "You love being touched like this, don't you?"

"Mhm," he lets out a sharp breath. There's precum shining all over his stomach where his cock is laying.

Bucky moans like you've never heard when you adjust your fingers again, hitting his spot properly this time.

You raise your eyebrows at him. "I think you're ready now."

The harness wasn't too difficult to get on, just a few straps around your hips.

"I like the blue," Bucky squints at the phallic object as you spread lube on it. "It's simple."

"Nothing about this really seems simple, Buck."

You line the tip up with his entrance and slide in as steady as you possibly can. He's not used to an intrusion of this size, but his face contorts to a look of pleasure.

"Fuck," he scratches his blunt nails down your back. "Keep going."

You thrust at a pace he can handle, just hard enough for a searing warmth to form in his abdomen. His chest is heaving and covered in a thin sheen of sweat, you can't even wrap your head around how gorgeous he looks like this.

"What a good boy," you purr. "I know you can cum, Bucky."

"Jesus—" he chokes back a sob of pure euphoria when you stroke his cock again.

He lets it all go, completely overstimulated and sensitive. Ropes of white paint his upper body as he screams your name.

You pull out of him and take the strap-on off. Bucky is spent on the bed, his body lax as he catches his breath. "You okay?" You cup his jaw with your hands.

"Never better," he licks his lips, devilish smirk on his face. "I bet you're soaked."

It's not like he's wrong.

"Get up here, doll," he pleads. "I think you deserve to ride my face for awhile after fuckin' me so well, don't you?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2021 ⏰

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