Derek Bailey Shepherd

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"Oh my god, is the whole Seattle in Boston today?" 

Meredith (with her almost nine-months belly) and Cristina were sitting on a bench at the park close to the Brigham, when they spotted Dr. Webber walking with non other than Dr. Bailey.

The night before, when everyone was already in bed, someone unexpectedly had rang the door bell

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The night before, when everyone was already in bed, someone unexpectedly had rang the door bell. That someone was Cristina, asking for a place to stay for some days. She looked like as if she'd run all the way from New York to Boston.

"What's happened?"

What had happened, as Cristina told her after drinking a glass of wine and saying hi to Derek, who had gotten up to see what was going on, was that she had realized that she couldn't keep living with Owen, despite loving him. Everything was going smoothly, until he started getting along with a ten-years-old kid, Ethan. He was the son of a patient of the hospital, who was in critical conditions. Owen had spent three days at the hospital, without going home even at night, to stay with that kid, who was desperately waiting for his dad to wake up. When he finally -and quite miraculously- did, Owen was devastated, as if a part of him wished he could keep Ethan with himself.

"I know he still wants a kid, even though he says he doesn't. The only obstacle between him and becoming a dad is me and I don't know if I can stand being the thing that doesn't allow him to be what deep down he wants to be."


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"Dr. Bailey, you're in Boston and you haven't even texted me?" Meredith asked her mentor, who, in spite of her hight, was looking down on her with the usual Bailey attitude. "I knew I would have met you anyway. Why bother?"

Miranda Bailey was in Boston, because Dr. Webber had arranged for her a meeting with another researcher interested in genome mapping. And since she was there, she was also going to performe a couple of surgeries, as a favor to her former classmate: Dr. Goodwin herself.

"Awesome, Cristina is gonna do a surgery as well! Just like the good old days!"


"Call Derek right now!" Cristina didn't have time to ask why, because she noticed water spreading down Meredith's thighs.

Derek ran as fast as he could towards her wife's hospital. When he got to the room where Meredith was waiting for her OB, she was already having contractions and Cristina was panicking.

"Where's the OB?"

When he came back with the obstetrician, Cristina was gone. She had been called by Dr. Webber, to see what a patient needed, since his cardio surgeon was stuck in the subway.

"Is everything alright?" Derek was caressing Meredith's hair, trying to sound calmer than he was.

"We need to do a C-section. A natural delivery is too risky, because there's face presentation! There's no way you'll deliver this baby naturally." The doctor's tone was grave.

The almost new parents exchanged a look, because their plans were different, but at the end they agreed to have the surgery.


"Grey! Dr. Webber told me you were having contractions!" Dr. Bailey got there just in time to see the baby being wrapped into a blanket and given to Derek, who, just like his wife, had happy tears streaming down his face. The baby, though, was having a hard time breathing, so he had to be taken to the NICU.

"Derek, go with him! Don't leave him!"

Right after he'd left, a nurse came into the room to call the OB due to an emergency.

"You go, I'll finish the procedure!" Dr. Bailey was washing her hands already, ready to close Meredith's belly. In that moment, everything went dark.

Boston was lightless, powerless and no one knew what was going on. The hospital stopped as well, because for some reasons the generators weren't working as they should have. Typical Meredith, to give birth in the middle of a city blackout.

Approaching her former student, Dr. Bailey noticed that there was too much blood. Too much blood, since she only had to close her up.


Derek was delighted by the perfection of his son. Right after being helped a little, he was able to breath on his own and was sleeping in his arms. He was so little.

And then it happened.

There was Cristina, knocking at the glass of the NICU room with a worried look.

There were Meredith's surgery complications. In the dark. With no electricity.

There was a desperate run to get as fast as possible to his wife, without whom he could not live.

There were Cristina's encouraging words.

And in the end, there were Dr. Bailey's words, that meant life, love, everything: "She's good."


"What do you think about Bailey?"

Meredith and Derek had been talking about names since they'd found out about the pregnancy, but no name felt quite right.

"Bailey? I love it!"

"Bailey? I love it!"

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