[1] "How old is it?"

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We were all piled into the car and driven off towards this orphanage, none of us really having time to process what was actually happening.

"Now boys, I'm setting down some ground rules. You are looking after a child; not a plant. They need to be fed, clothed, cleaned, changed, loved, played with and whatever else is necessary. No leaving the child by themselves, please don't let it wander off and keep it away from the paps until you're ready to announce the child. Got it?" Our manager stated, raising an eyebrow at us.

We all hummed in agreement, before he spoke, yet again.

"Once you've chosen a child, you will be in charge of picking up some necessary items and going grocery shopping. I've made a list of what you'll need depending on the age of the child, because you're all so fûckïng idiotic to work it out yourselves."

He handed a large piece of paper to me, which I folded quickly and shoved into my pocket without looking at it. Before we knew it, we had pulled up to the orphanage, all four of us filing out of the car.


"Hi! You must be the boys of 5 seconds of summer, yes?" A nice looking lady spoke holding her hand out to each of us to shake.

"That's us." Michael spoke a little uneasily.

"My name is Ms. Rangiah, We gathered up the kids and there all just over in the playroom. They know that there's visitors, so they should be on their best behaviours for you!" She smiled brightly at us before leading us to what I assumed was the playroom.


There were a bunch of kids all laughing, playing with toys and rolling around on the floor as we walked in. A few smaller kids made their way up and latched themselves onto Ms. Rangiah's legs and she gave them gentle pats on the back as she bent down. She whispered something to them and the spun around to look at us.

"Okay boys, you can have a bit of a walk around, chat to the kids and hopefully find someone you're looking for. Some of the younger babies and children are having a nap right now, but if you're quiet you're more than welcome to go see them!" She smiled, turning around, leaving the small children whining for her to come back.

I looked across to the boys, all three of them shrugged before wandering off in search of a kid. Not gonna lie, i was kind of excited. I just think it would be cute to have a kid, you know? Like a puppy!

I shook my thoughts away, moving off and around the room. Looking around, there were all sorts of kids. Kids with blonde hair, brunette hair, red fluffy hair, Kids from what looked to be a few month old babies, all the way to about seven or eight.

I found a little boy who grinned at me and spoke as much as he could possibly get out.

Although most of the words were mumbled and jumbled up.

I chuckled at him, playing with him and letting him talk before he got distracted and found more toys.

I spotted a little girl by the wall, playing with a few dinosaur figurines. I shrugged taking a seat by her and scooting a little closer.

"Hello!" I grinned at her, bending a little since i was probably a little intimidating to the small girl.

She grinned in response showing two perfectly placed dimples, scrunching up her nose. "Hai."

I giggled at her cuteness and began talking to her, asking her questions that she would hopefully know.


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