Chapter Two the test

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Gons POV :




"hm?" I snapped out of my thoughts to my boyfriend yelling my name. "What do you need Killua?" I said turning to face him. "The movie ended a while ago. You've just been sitting here with a worried look on your face. Is everything ok?" I just sat there staring for a while. Should I tell him? I mean this world is supernatural and I think my uncle's been pregnant before. It's not totally impossible that I got Killua pregnant. "I need to get something from the store ok? I will be back." I said getting up from the couch and walking out the door. I headed to the pharmacy.

Killuas POV :

What was that all about. He didnt even answer my question.....I'm hungry. I got up from the couch and went to the kitchen getting me a big snack. After finishing I was still hungry so I got another snack then finished and sat back down. What was I thinking about again. I thought to myself....Gon. Oh he left withought answering me! That was rude. But typical, he usually figures out his problems on his own and then comes back to me apologizing for ignoring me. I wonder whats on his mind.

~time skip~

"Killua I'm back!" I heard Gon say, entering the bedroom with a bag. "Hey Gon."

He walked up to me and gave me a small kiss. "Whats in the bag?" I said to him. "Oh well..." he opened it and handed a box to me. I took it and read the label 'pregnancy test'. "...why are you giving me this?" I questioned my raven haired boyfriend. "Well you've been acting kinda off, so just to be sure and ease my mind from these thoughts. Take the test." I looked back down and then at him again. "So is this whats been bothering you babe?"

"Yeah. My mind goes to some pretty weird places huh?" He said scratching the back of his neck.

"Alright." I said walking over to our bathroom closing the door. I peed on the stick and opened the door. I sat there and waited.

~time skip~

Gon was downstairs preparing lunch for us, and then it happened. The results were in....I'm pregnant. I feel water dripping down my face. Oh no what if he doesn't want a baby. He did say that this was to ease his thoughts....does that mean ease the idea of having a kid? He doesnt want a kid does he?...He's gonna hate me. He'll leave me. Great now im being cliché and sobbing...still sitting on the bathroom floor. I heard footsteps then saw him come into view...

Gons POV :

I went upstairs to check on my boyfriend only to find him crying on the bathroom floor. His hand over his mouth, him whimpering. I ran over and started to comfort him. "Killua you ok? What happened?" "....I'm sorry im so're gonna hate me..."

I don't believe what he's saying. Why would I hate him? Why's he apologizing? "Hey cmon you know I love you. Whats wrong?"


He's hyperventilating trying to breathe but keeps having short breathes. After a minute of calming him down, he finally talks. "..I..." He stopped. Then handed me a stick. I sat back away from him taking ahold of this object....oh my god. Killuas pregnant. This is why hes upset?

"...You're....You're gonnna leave me now arent you....?"

What. The. Fuck. I stare at him in disbelief.  "Why would I leave you? I love you more than anything on this earth. And if we get a baby and a family...I will love them too." He looks up at me shocked.

"...But I thought-" I kissed him, then pulled away. "I would never leave you not in a million years Killua. I love you too much for that. And I will love this baby just as much." I said bringing him into my embrace. He sobbed. "Gon~ I love you!" Hes so cute! "I love you too Killua!"

And so we sat there enjoying each others warm embrace for god knows how long. Then we got interrupted by ringing. I stood up and walked out into the bedroom Killua following behind me. I picked up my phone and read the ID. "Oh its just kurapika." I answered the phone.

"Hey Gon."

"Hi Kurapika. Do you need something?"

"You know how its me and Leorios anniversary today?"

"Uh yeah why?"

"Well-" Kurapika got cut off by Leorio stealing the phone and yelling.


"Congrats!" I said after pulling the phone back to my face. (I pulled it away because he was gonna kill my eardrums) I looked over to killua, 'should we' I mouthed to him. "Sure I guess.." he replied.

"Whats Killua saying?" Kurapika said, taking his phone back. I switched to speaker so Killua could hear.

"Well uh....I sorta maybe kinda got killua pregnant."

Silence. Absolute silence. Me and killua both stood there nervous.

Kurapikas POV

What. The. Fuck. "YOU'RE 18! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING YOU IDIOTS!" Leorio grabbed the phone from me. "Calm down Pika, 18 is technically the age of an adult. They can make their own decisions now. Congrats guys! But also YOU ARE IDIOTS WHAT ARE YOU THINKING YOU CAN BARELY TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES LET ALONE A BABY!"

"Heh I guess you're right Leorio...but Killuas actually really good with kids! Yknow cause he has a bunch of siblings. I'm sure I can learn something from him."

"So basically I do all the work while you watch huh?" Killua said in a sarcastic tone.

"Ok we are coming to your house. Dont expect us to leave you all alone with a baby." I said.

"Kurapika, the kid isnt even born yet. We dont even know the gender, Killuas barely even a week along." Gon replied.

"Yeah well we can help you take care of you hormonal pregnant boyfriend because that otta be a challenge!" Leorio said earning a cuss-out from Killua over the phone. After Gon calmed him down, we said our goodbyes and hung up. "Ok babe. I think we can continue this anniversary tonight, for now lets go help our idiot friends." I said to my tall-ass boyfriend.  "Kay Pika." He replied giving me a small kiss, holding my hand as we walk over to the car and drive to Gon and Killuas house.

Chapter 2 done.
Sorry if its short and boring.
Date 05-03-2021
Words 1099

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