Never Fuck With A Jealous Bumblebee

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"Bee..." I called lowly. "You have to let me out of the car, I can't stay in here forever." 

The bot in question buzzes innocently, still not unlocking the doors. 

Today was orientation at Princeton university, AKA the day everyone was supposed to get acquainted and settled into their dorms. Key words, supposed to. Because as you can see, my giant cybertronian boyfriend REALLY doesn't want me to leave. 

"Bee!" I called once again, this time holding a much sharper tone. "I love you but seriously, let me out." 

Bumblebee let out a small flurry of beeps, still refusing to unlock the door as he snapped the seatbelt over my waist in an attempt to keep me from leaving his alt. 

"you have to be kidding me..." I growled underneath my breath. "Alrighty than, hard way it is."

I reached into my satchel bag, nudging the small sleeping bot. "Gadget, bubs...its time to wake up, I need your help with something."

The small bot slowly pocked his head out of my bag, rubbing at his tired optics as he looked at me in slight question. 

"There you go baby, I'm sorry for waking you up." I apologized with a soft tone of voice, earning a buzz of forgiveness from Gadget.

"Now than, I need you to do something for me." Gadget nodded his helm, beckoning me to go on. "Bee is being very difficult and won't let me out of his alt, I need you to unlock his doors."

The small bot nodded his helm in understanding, a mischievous look in his optics as he climbed his way out of my side bag, dropping to the floor and out of sight. 

".:What did-you-just ask him-to do?:." Bee buzzed in question, a slightly nervous shake to his radio. 

"Oh you know, nothing much, just a small favor." I hummed, pretending to clean my nails. 


"What? I just asked him to go into your undercarriage and forcefully unlock your doors." I smirked, earning a small shriek from bee. 

".:You-What?!:." Bee yelled, suddenly jerking as both of his doors swung open and the seatbelt snapped off of my body. 

Bumblebees glovebox opened, Gadget pocking his helm out before climbing out of the small compartment. The little bot made his way over to my spot in the back seat, climbing up my leg and onto my lap with a small purr. 

"Thank you gadget." I giggled, carefully picking up and putting the small bot back into my side bag. He chirped in appreciated before laying back down, probably going back to bed. 

I always wondered how a bot so small could sleep so much

I was about to get out of Bees alt before a pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around my waist and pulled me back into the back seat. 

I turned my head slightly only to be met with a pair of sad electric blue eyes as Bumblebees holoform buried its face into the crook of my neck. 

Bees holoform had golden blonde hair with a few black accents to it. He was currently wearing a black turtleneck tucked into yellow cargo pants, the pants themselves having black lines running horizontally at his thighs, knee's, and ankles. Resting at his hips was a black belt with the Autobot emblem as a buckle. Over his black turtle neck was a yellow leather jacket with a black honeycomb pattern running along his shoulder blades and back. To tie everything together, he had on a yellow tooke with black stripes running vertically on the top of it. I couldn't help but chuckle when I noticed the little Bee-otch pin attached to his jacket. 

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