Never Let Molly Witwicky Near Edibles Unless You're Looking For A Good Time.

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"Their car is a talking robot!" Our mother laughs "And get this, my son (y/n), is dating him!"

How the hell did I get myself into this situation.


"Bee, stop!" I giggled slightly, shoving the males face away from mine

"One last kiss, please?" He begged, showing me the infamous puppy dog look.

"Don't look at me like that bee..." I groaned, glancing at his beautiful electric blue eyes every now and again. "Nope! I'm not going to fall for that look again!"

"Please." He tried again, his eyes getting impossibly bigger. "One last kiss, please Honeybee..."

Damnit, he using my weakness.

"ugh" I groaned before letting a fond smile find its way onto my features. "Fine, but this is the last one."

I gave Bee a quick peck on the cheek, earning a pout from the mech himself. "That's not fair."

"What do you mean that's not fair?" I giggled. "I promised you one last kiss, I never said it would be on the lips."

"Your mean." He pouted, puffing out his cheeks slightly as he buried his face into the crook of my neck.

"Come on Cutie." I cooed, only getting a slight blush out of the male. "Fine than, I guess I'll have to find someone else to cuddle and watch movies with." I snickered, speaking in mock seriousness as I pulled away from the male.

This definitely got his attention because not even seconds later I was brought into another tight hug, the males arms wrapping secularly around my waist.

"No!" He shouted, pulling my form flush against his. "Mine!"

"Yes, yes." I giggled, wrapping my arms around his neck. "I'm all yours cutie."

Bee hummed softly, giving me small butterfly kisses across my jaw and collar bone.

"Stop it!" I laughed, squirming slightly.

"Ahem" Came an awkward cough from behind us.

Both Bee and I pulled apart, turning around to face the direction the cough came from, reveling none other than Sam Witwicky himself.

"really Sam?!" I groaned. "Why do you always have to be such a cockblocker?"

Sam stares at me for a few moments before shaking his head, completely ignoring my last statement. "Have you seen mom any where?" He questioned, a slightly worried look adorning his features.

"No, I haven't. why?" I questioned, my own suspicions and worry seeping into my tone.

"Well, uh...y-you see-" Sam stuttered, not meeting my gaze.

"Spit it out Sammy."

"Momboughtanediblefromsomeofthekidsinourdormandisnowrunningaroundtheschoolhighofherass." Sam said to fast to understand, letting out a sigh of relief once he got it out of his system.

"Samuel." I called lowly, earning a nervous 'yes?' from the male in question. "Repeat yourself. This time however, do it slowly."

"Mom bought an edible from some of the kids in our dorm and is now running around the school high of her ass." Sam explained once again, this time taking his time to say it slowly.

Bee and I stood there for a good second, blinking a few times as the new found information is registering in our minds.

"SHE'S WHAT?!" I screamed, my face contorting in anger. "WHY WOULD YOU LET HER BUY AN EDIBLE FROM COLLEGE STUDENTS?!"

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