Chapter 9 - Haiden

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Uh... Can you read it now?


Damn that thin lips that looks so damn enticing!

That yummy tanned skin of his!

That Forest Green eyes that holds the look of mischievous and full of warmth!

I mean How can eyes hold such warmth that would make you wanna drop dead to your knees and become just a mere pudding to the ground!


UGH! I must be so stupid to only realize this sea of feelings that is currently overwhelming my five senses and making all the logical reasons, Well Unlogical? Was that even a word?


Was I really moving on? God's above you have got to help me on this situation or Fangirls! Any help?!

"Astrid!!" Haiden said, snapping me out of my deep thoughts of how hot he is.

"Huh?" I answered, stupidly

"You've been staring at me for the past 5 minutes, Are you okay?" Haiden asked me his eyes held concern. We were currently at the cafeteria eating lunch together. I remember talking to him about ending our little agreement of pretend couple but now I seem to be hesitating.

"Oh yeah, I was just thinking about" How hot you are, "My algebra assignment."

"Are you having problems? I mean I can tutor you, I'm pretty good at it." He's proud of it I know of it! He's so good at algebra that all girls swoon for him. Was it possible to have Algebra be the reason of your overwhelming popularity? Oh and let us not forget the fabulous face.

I blinked, "Sure, that would be a great help," I mentally face palmed myself I was suppose to end our agreement. What am I doing then having him as my tutor?

"When can we start?"

"Uh.. Tomorrow would be great. The sooner the better," I smiled like there was a camera in front of me. I just had to look cute!

Haiden smiled back, "Sure, babe," He was about to turn back to his IPad when a girl gorgeous as hell tapped him on his shoulder. Immediately I felt my blood boil. Like BOIL and that was the doing of a mere tap on the shoulder by a very gorgeous looking girl.

"Hey, are you still up for our private tutoring session tonight?" She asked, ridiculously sweet. Her hips swaying as she said it. I glared at her mentally brutally killing her, in my mind I was hanging her and I was getting all her internal organs and placed it to my blender and fed it to the crows on the desert! I know I'm cruel.

"Yeah, sure." Haiden smiled, Oh so innocently. So innocent I actually consider myself killing this little Ms trying hard to look as good as me who's trying to taint my Haiden. 

The girl then whispered something on his ears while looking at me. Was she trying to piss me off? Cause It's working!. She handed him a paper and went off on her way with added sway on her hips. Like she wasn't swaying too much already.

"Who was that?" I asked him, rudely. Why am I extremely pissed about him tutoring other girls than me?

He grinned, "Shallain, she's in our class, don't you remember?''

Blah, blah, blah!

Oh, sorry,  I just don't have a part of me that wants to know all the girls in my class. Especially girls like this Shallain!

I scoffed, "I don't like that girl,"

"Ooh, Jealous much?"

Yes, ever since that sweetest little thing you did on the cove, I couldn't stop thinking about you! It's your dang fault for being so ridiculously sweet!

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