Chapter 9

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Word count: 1,241 Characters count: 6,364


I look at Thomas's expression and it shows that he is very confused.
Minho looks back at Thomas "But last night, when you killed that Griever... Section 7 was open. I think it must be where it comes from. Tomorrow me, you, and Y/n are gonna take a closer look."
"I agree. When I was in the maze. I was never really out at night but the times I did only one of the Grievers were out. And in the evening they would always go deeper in the maze."
Another present joins the room. Minho looks over at them "Hey! What are you guys doing? You're not allowed in here"
Jeff and Clint look at him and Jeff speaks up "Sorry, it's just the, uhH. It's the girl."
"Is she awake?" Thomas asks.
"You could say that." Jeff says.
I jog past both the med-jacks towards where everyone is crowding around. Minho and Thomas catch up to me and we stop at where Chuck is standing.
"Chuck, what's going on?" Thomas asks Chuck.
"Girls are awesome" Chuck points at the tower. I see rocks coming down.
"Leave me alone!" The girl yells at the boys.
I walk beside Newt and look at the rocks coming down.
"Watch your head!" Newt tells everyone.
Gally shields his head and yells up at the girl "Hey, throw one more of those things- Ow!" Gally gets hit in the head with one of the rocks. Winston shields Newt's head with a panel from a box.
"Go away!" she throws more toward Newt.
"Hey! You can't hit my boyfriend!" I stop the rocks mid air and slowly bring them to the ground softly.
Thomas comes running to us but the girl continues throwing rocks. "We come in peace! Wwhathappened?" Thomas asks.
"Justduck!" one of the gladers yell.
"I don't think she likes us very much," Newt yells.
"What do you want from me?" she yells.
"To stop throwing rocks!" I yell up to her.
Thomas takes the lead by talking to her "We just wanna talk."
"I'm warning you!" she throws down more.
"Take cover, y'all! Take cover!" Frypan yells.
"Hey, it's Thomas! It's Thomas!" the girl looks over the ledge "I'm gonna come up, okay?" Thomas starts climbing the tower. "Okay- Just me. I'm coming up." He gets to the top and we look up waiting for a response. We hear Thomas speak up to the girl "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay, just... Easy, all right?"
I hear the girl talking and Newt turns to me "Can you tell me what they're saying?"
"Ya okay. "Where am I? What is this place? Why can't I remember anything?" Thomas says "This is all normal. Okay? We've all been thought this. Okay? Your name will come back to you in a couple days. It's the one thing that..." "Teresa" That must be the girls name." I turn to Newt. Can I stop now?"
"Ya Tommy has it under control, but let's just wait till he says they're good." I nod.
Gally looks up and yells at Thomas "What's going on up there?"
"Is she coming down?" Newt asks.
"Um..." Thomas stands up and looks back at the girl. "Hey, listen, you guys just give us a second, okay?" Thomas turns back to the girl and asks her something and turns back to us "Hey Y/N can you come back in a couple minutes?"
"All right. Come on." Newt moves everyone along.
Fry turns to me "Is this what all other girls are like?" I play punch him in the arm. "Hey. That girl is crazy but still not as crazy as you."
"Do you have a death wish Fry?" Newt asks.
Fry looks at me "Ok sorry." He runs back to the kitchen.

Thomas POV

We watch the other gladers leave and both me and Teresa sit at the edge.
" "She's the last one." What does that mean?" Teresa asks.
"I'm not sure. Ever since you came up, that Box hasn't gone back down. I just think its got everyone a little worried. Especially Gally."
"He thinks it's my fault."
"Are you sure you don't remember anything else?"
"I remember water... Feeling like I was drowning. These faces staring at me. And this voice, this woman's voice saying over and over."
" "WICKED is good." Ever since I've been here I've had these dreams. Well, I thought they were dreams. You... You were there. You were there... and you told me that everything was gonna change."
She turns and looks at me "What does that mean?"
"I don't know. I always get pieces."
"And the others don't remember anything?"
"No. Well there is only one. Why are we different?"
"These were in my pockets when i came up" She hands me two viles with blue liquid in it.
" "W.C.K.D." "WICKED is good.""
I hear the latch open and I turn and see Y/N "WICKED is not good. They are the ones that put us here."
"What if we were sent here for a reason?" Teresa asks.
"Alby" I think the serum is for Alby.


We run over to the med-jack hut and I grab Newt along the way. Thomas explains that he believes that the serum can save Alby from the sting.
Newt looks at Thomas at disbelief "We don't even know what this stuff is. We don't know who sent it. Or why it came up here with you. For all we know, this thing could kill him."
"Well we do know where it came from. It came from WICKED." I say.
"He's already dying. Look at him. How could this possibly make it worse? Come on, it's worth a try." Thomas explains.
Newt looks at me and I give him a nod because this is Alby's best chance. "All right. Do it." Newt says.
Thomas walks over and goes beside Alby. Alby jumps up and grabs Thomas "You shouldn't be here! You shouldn't be here! No!" Me and Newt try to help Thomas from Alby's grasp. Alby looks at me "You could have saved us! You could have saved us all!"
"Watch out!" Me and both yell at Thomas.
"Get the syringe! Let go!" Thomas yells at Alby. Teresa garbs the syringe and jabs it into Alby's chest, Alby calms down and falls back.
We stand up and I look Thomas over and Newt does the same.
Jeff breaks the silence "Well, that worked."
"Okay, from now on... someone stays here and watch him around the clock." Newt tells all of us.
Gally walks in and looks around "Hey. Sundown, Greenie. Time to go." Thomas leaves with Gally.
Newt looks at me "You need to get some sleep. You look tired."
"Only if you join me." Newt looks around.
"I'll watch him." Clint volunteers.
"Thanks Clint. Let's go love." Newt grabs my hand and we walk over to his hut.
I pull my clothes off and at the corner of my eye I see Newt staring me down. He walks over to me and kisses my neck. "Newt... I'm tired."
"I know I am just giving you a kiss." He slowly pulls away and starts to get ready for bed. I grab my night shirt and pull it on and I grab my shorts and change into them. I turn around and get in bed. Newt jumps in and I snuggle up to him.
"Good night love."
"Night Newt."


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