So a date?

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A/N: Hey thank you for coming and clicking on this book. Just so you know this fanfic is based off the song "Weird Kid" by Rosendale so there might be more of his songs in this book but enough of me enjoy the story.

Denki's Bedroom and Bedding

Denki's Bedroom and Bedding

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~Third Person P

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~Third Person P.O.V~

The morning light slunk through the curtains of Denki's bedroom and illuminated the blonde's face. A groan escaped his mouth as he pulled the covers over his head and went back to sleep. But before Denki could fall back asleep his alarm went off, playing the pokemon theme song. Another groan escaped him before he sat up in bed and looked around the room. Denki reached over to turn off the alarm but fell off the bed in the process. "Ugh..." he groan as he stood up from the floor and walked over to the closet grabbing his school uniform and walking out of his room to the showers.

~20 Minutes Later~ 

Denki sat at the dining table eating cereal with his wet hair dripping down onto the towel hanging off his neck. Soon more of class 1-a came down for breakfast, including the newest member Shinso Hitoshi. "Hey Kamibro" Kirishima called to his friend. Denki looked over in his direction with a quick wave before standing up and putting his bowl in the sink. While walking to the elevator Denki ran into the one and only Shinso, leading to him falling on his ass. Denki shook his head before looking up and noticing a hand in front of him. "Oh uh thanks Shinso, sorry for running into you" Denki said with a nervous smile. "It's no problem" Shinso replied with a slight blush spread across his face. Denki flashed him a quick smile before continuing his way to the elevator. Once Denki made it back to his room his face immediately turned a bright red. "I can not believe I just ran into him" Denki said with a sigh as he grabbed his Pikachu backpack, phone charger and earbuds. He plugged the earbuds in his phone and set his playlist on shuffle, putting one bud in his ear and began walking to class.

"Alright anyone tell me what '84 x 18 - 67='.......................Anyone?.........................................Alright Denki Kaminari answer" Denki heard the question looked up from his notebook and said the answer unconsciously "1445." he stated before returning his attention to his notebook. "Umm question"

~Denki's P.O.V~

The school day was over so I started heading back to the dorms when someone tapped me on the shoulder. "Um hey Denki right?" I turned around to see floating purple hair. I blushed before backing up a bit. "Yeah what's up Shinso?" I asked turning down my music so I could hear him better. "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out this weekend..." I blushed while smiling. "You mean like a date?" Shinso scratched the back of his neck with a nervous smile before responding "Yeah a date at least if your okay with that...." I smiled a grin from ear to ear. "Of course, it's a date see you later Shinso" I stood on my tiptoes planting a kiss on his cheek before running away. I ran out of the main building only to get pulled by someone. "Wtf?" next thing I hear are giggles. "It's just me Denks" I turned around to see Jackie smirking and Addy trying not to laugh behind her. "Dumbass what's up?" I asked. "Go change so we can go skateboarding Addy found a new spot." said Jackie. "Okay so after we get Mcdonald's and sleepover in Gen Ed's dorm?" Addy nodded with a smile before getting out her phone and typing something. "Here's the address see you there" she said before grabbing Jackie's hand and running off. I sighed with a smile before continuing my walk to the dorms.

Once I made it to my room I tossed my backpack on the floor by my swing, and walked to the closet grabbing some normal clothes and changing out of my uniform.

Once I made it to my room I tossed my backpack on the floor by my swing, and walked to the closet grabbing some normal clothes and changing out of my uniform

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I stepped out of the closet and grabbed my skateboard, backpack and phone. Walking out of my room I notice Jirou and Mina whispering about something. I couldn't hear everything but I did hear some of the conversation as I walked past them to the elevator. "Denki .............dumb........... stupid............weird...............what's wrong with him" I froze in placed before walking into the elevator and hitting the button. 'I can't believe I heard that I thought we were friends I guess not'  The elevator opened and I walked out not knowing a few tears had escaped my eyes. "Hey Denki are you okay" I look at Shinso before smiling and wiping my tears. "Y-yeah I'm fine" He frowned and bent down using his thumb to wipe the tears. "Okay" he said unsure. "Where are you going?" I blushed looking down at my skateboard "To this spot one of my friends found, they say it's good for skateboarding." Shinso let go of my face with a smile. "Shinso!" called Midoriya from the common room, I took one last look at Shinso before turning around and sprinting for the door.

~At the Skate Spot~

"So you finally decided to show up" yelled Jackie from the top of a cement block

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"So you finally decided to show up" yelled Jackie from the top of a cement block. I shook my head with smile, setting my bag down with theirs. "I was talking to someone and got held up" I said as I began doing flips off the guards the separated the ramps. "Well judging by the blush on your face, you were talking to Shinso-kun" Addy said with a giggle. "Hold up! Your crush, okay time to tell us everything." I looked up at Jackie with scowl, hoping that would stop her questioning. Nope, she just glared at me. "Okay fine he um h-he asked me if I wanted to go see a movie with him this weekend." I stuttered out while looking at my feet. I heard a gasp before cackles rang throughout the building. "HAHAHA!!!!! It's about damn time" I glared at her again, looking behind me to see Addy smirking. "So you got a date" she said. I groaned grabbing my backpack and running out of the building, from behind me I can hear them calling for me to wait. I laughed before spotting my destination Mcdonald's. For all the teasing their doing today they better enjoy paying for my nuggets.

A/N: So this is the end of the first chapter. I have to say this is the longest chapter I have ever wrote. But for now here is some information about this book, there is no update schedule. Chapters will come out whenever also there will be about ten to eleven chapters. So I hope you enjoyed this chapter and say tuned for more. Bye~~~

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