Do You Like Him...?

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A/N: New chapter, for this Shinso, Denki and Eri are going to be hanging out all day. From disney movies to a cafe. Anyways Eri is a curious bean, next story is Demon Slayer story. Hope you enjoy.

~Third Person P.O.V~

It was early Friday morning Eri awoke to peter pan playing on the TV. The little girl sat up in bed rubbing her eyes, she looked around the room finding Denki sat on the edge of her bed his head perched in Shinso's fluffy purple hair. Eri yawned drawing the attention of the two boys. Denki looked back greeting Eri with a smile "Morning Eri, you hungry?" the little girl nodded her head crawling out the bed to cling on Denki's back. Shinso looked up with a chuckle as he grabbed his phone checking the time. "Hey Denki it's seven-thirty I know a cafe that's open around this time" Just then Eri's stomach made a loud grumble. Denki giggled "Alright let's go now, I don't feel like changing out of my pajamas. Shinso raised an eyebrow before nodding his head standing up off the floor and grabbing Eri up and off the bed. Denki slid off the bed putting on some shoes, following Shinso out of the dorms.

Shinso walked out of the dorms and down the street before stopping in front of a small cafe. He looked at me grinning, he set Eri down on the ground before opening the door. The three of them walked in the cafe, Eri looked around finding a empty booth in the back of the cafe. The boys followed her to the booth, Denki taking a seat with her. "I'm gonna go get food, be back in a minutes" Shinso said walking towards the counter. Shinso stood at the counter and began ordering "Can I get two hot chocolate's, two coffees and three pancake plates?" The cashier nodded disappearing behind the counter to grab the food. Shinso scrolled through instagram on his phone waiting for the food, he looked up noticing the drinks sitting on the counter. "Your number is 2850, when called come back up for your food" Shinso nodded before grabbing the cups and walking back to the table, he found Denki and Eri coloring on a napkin. He smiled placing down the cups "Here Denki I got you a coffee" Denki looked up and smiled before grabbing the drink. Shinso slid the hot chocolate to Eri before sitting down in the booth opposite Denki and Eri. 

~Shinso's P.O.V~

I looked over watching Denki and Eri continue to draw on the napkin before hearing our order number called. I stood up and walked back to the counter grabbing the tray of pancakes, walking back to the table. I set the tray down with a clatter watching the two's heads pop up before turning and staring at the tray of pancakes. I laughed picking up two plates setting one in front of each of them, I slid back into my side of the booth grabbing a plate before beginning to eat. 

About thirty minutes later Denki and Eri were back to coloring on the napkin. Meanwhile I was trying to savor my coffee, surprisingly Denki already finished his so I'm left to savor what I have left in my cup. I looked up feeling a tap on my shoulder "Shinso when are we gonna leave?" Denki asked. I sighed I had already paid the bill I just want more coffee. "We can go now" I said chugging the last of my coffee, setting the cup down on the table. I looked around seeing Eri seated on Denki shoulders with a smile gracing her face, together we walked out of the cafe on to the dorms. As we made it back to the dorms I saw Todoroki and Iida cuddled together on the couch watching Frozen 2. I saw Denki snickering at the movie before walking towards them, Denki lifted Eri off his shoulders and whispered something in her ear. He held Eri hovered over the couple before dropping her down on top of them. As Eri landed the two jumped in surprise before Todoroki sighed and gave Eri a hug. "Hey pumpkin" I looked away from the two talking to see Denki bent over his knees, wheezing. Rolling my eyes I walked over to the laughing boy "You sound like you're dying" he glared at me with tears of joy streaming down his face. Clearing his throat he finally spoke "It is not my fault that their reaction was hilarious" I heard giggles, looking back at the couch I saw Eri laughing at the movie while sat in Todoroki's lap. I glared at Denki watching him limp his way to the couch as he giggled. I followed behind him taking a seat next to him on the couch, tossing my arm around him pulling his body closer to mine.

I looked over feeling the couch cushions shift, seeing Eri crawling towards me and Denki. Once she reached us Denki grabbed her setting her in between us, she looked like a baby bear. I pulled my phone out, opening my camera and taking a quick picture of Denki and Eri watching the movie. I quickly set it as my wallpaper before tucking my phone back in my pocket and turning my attention back to the movie. A few hours later Momo, Tokoyami and Sero had come down to the common room, the movie had finished so Denki and Eri were jumping around and dancing in the living room. I was in the kitchen making lunch when Tokoyami came up to me "So what does Eri think?" I looked to the living room seeing Denki spinning Eri around as she laughed. "She definitely likes him, I've never seen her open up to someone so quick." he nodded his head in agreement. Finishing the sandwiches I was making I called Denki and Eri to come eat, Denki picked Eri up walking to the kitchen before setting her down on a bar stool taking a seat next to her. I slid a plate to each of them before taking a seat as well.

~Eri's P.O.V~

At the end of the day Hitoshi walked me to the teacher dorms were Dad and Papa slept. While we were walking I noticed Hitoshi looking at his phone every so often "Aniki what are you looking at?" He looked up from his phone, bending down to show me a picture of me and Denki watching a movie. I looked away from the phone seeing a blush on Hitoshi face. "Do you like him?" he looked at me his face a bright red as he nodded his head. I giggled before noticing Dad standing in front of us "Thanks for watching her today Hitoshi" I felt Dad pick me up setting me on his hip. "No problem" me and Dad waved Hitoshi bye, once he left Dad set me on the floor and we walked into the teachers dorms. I ran to the couch noticing Auntie Midnight, she picked me up setting me on her lap running her fingers through my hair. "So Eri did you have fun?" I nodded my head and began to tell Dad all about my day almost forgetting to tell him about Hitoshi and Denki. "I almost forgot, Denki was with me and Aniki all day. Aniki even took a picture of me and Denki together." I watched Dad's eyebrow raise slightly before he got up off the couch saying he was going to make me dinner. "Okay Eri I need you to tell me everything that Hitoshi and Denki were doing together don't leave out a single detail!!!" I giggled at Auntie Midnight and began to tell her everything.

A/N: Eri is adorable anyways the next chapter is Shinso and Denki's date, should they kiss or should they not. I'm thinking about saving the first kiss for a different chapter but I hope you all enjoyed. Bye~

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