Home (Away From Home) Is Where The Struggles Are

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    Owen stayed home with her for the first 2 days before he had to go back to work and get everything sorted out again. (Y/N) woke up around 7 and for the first half-hour, YouTube kept her entertained, but she was a person that needed to be doing something, a trait she had gained from years of helping her father with his various projects. So, she began to look around the house for something to do, she knew she was supposed to be resting but it didn’t really matter to her. Somehow she ended up in her Dad’s room, she didn’t go in there often, it was kinda a rule, he didn’t go in her room and she didn’t go in his but she was desperate for something to do. Something on the far wall caught her eye, near the corner part of the wall seemed to pop out, upon further inspection, she found a small ledge. She quickly discovered that part of the wall was able to swing out, behind it was a small room with very bright blue-tinted LED lights.
    “Wow,” (Y/N) said, a bit taken back by the sight before her.
    The entire room was only 6 feet by 6 feet if that but it was filled with guns, like, you name it he had it. There were shelves on the top that were covered with ammo for all the weapons there. She knew while he had been a SEAL with the U.S Navy and done a lot for them and that they had given him a few things when he decided to move to Jurassic World but this was a little more than what she had thought. While she was taking it all in she heard the front door open, she quickly closed the door and rubbed her foot over the carpet to get rid of the marks it had made when it opened before exiting the room.
    “You’re home soon,” (Y/N) said meeting him near the kitchen.
    He stayed quiet.
    “Is something wrong?” (Y/N) asked, sensing that something was obviously wrong.
    “They want to put Eclipse down,” Owen said solemnly.
    “What? Why?”
    “She attacked you, and she’s been acting like she might do it again, they don’t want to take that chance.”
    “And what do you think?”
    “I want to see how she reacts to you, she seemed sorry after she realized she hurt you,” Owen replied.
    “Let me guess, they don’t wanna wait,” (Y/N) said already knowing what his reply would be.
    “I’m going with you tomorrow.”
    “No you’re not,” Owen said, she knew it was gonna be hard to change his mind.
    “Why not?” (Y/N) questioned, a bit more of a pissed tone in her voice than she had intended.
    “Because you’re still hurt, and because they won’t let you near her,” Owen answered.
    “I don’t care what they think or what they want! They are NOT putting her down! And I’m going tomorrow even if I have to walk!” (Y/N) said suddenly getting more than a bit upset.
    Then she walked away, back to her room without saying another word, Owen didn’t say anything or try to stop her, he knew she just needed to cool off. Soon it was 6 and (Y/N) still hadn’t come out of her room so he gently knocked on her door.
    “(Y/N)?” He called out gently.
    “Yeah?” Her reply came a few moments later, something sounded wrong in her voice.
    “Are you okay?” Owen asked in a concerned voice.
    “Yeah. . .”
    Owen didn’t say anything because he knew that she wasn’t sure about her reply quite yet.
    “No,” She finally continued, he heard her break down crying.
    He opened the door and found her crying on the floor, her knees pulled up to her chest with her arms wrapped around them. Her head was resting on her knees, she very rarely cried, let alone a complete meltdown. He slowly walked over and sat down next to her.
    “Hey, sweetheart, what’s wrong?” Owen asked, seeing her like this, though it was rare, never failed to make his heartbreak for her.
    “I’m sorry I yelled at you, I didn’t mean to,” (Y/N) said trying to catch her breath, still keeping her head down.
    “Well, I know that’s not all that’s bothering you, you know I can take that from you, and you know I won’t be mad. Did something happen when you were with your mother the last time?”
    In the custody agreement, they agreed that they would take her every other holiday if Owen had her for Christmas, her mom had her for New Years’. She had gone there about 3 months ago and ever since she became back she always seemed so depressed.
    She nodded her head another round of breathtaking tears hit her.
    “What happened?” Owen asked gently.
    She lifted her head to look at him and wipe the tears away.
    “She barely even noticed me,” (Y/N) her voice cracking and tear pouring down her cheeks.
    Owen gave her a confused look before she continued.
    “She got a new boyfriend. She was too busy with him to even notice I was there half the time. I spent the entire trip in my room. Every time I suggested we do something she just yelled at me and told me to go back to my room and leave them alone,” (Y/N) explained, every now and then the tears becoming too much and she had to stop and catch her breath.
    “Why didn’t you tell me?” Owen asked, half sad for her and half pissed at her mother.
    “She made me promise not to when I said that I was going to.”
    “Come here baby girl,” Owen said, knowing she needed to be close to someone more than anything.
    She scooted closer to him and he pulled her close, she rested her head on his chest near his heart, hearing someone’s heartbeat always calmed her down, even when she was a baby. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close. She broke down crying again for a few minutes before she stopped.
    “It’s gonna be okay,” Owen said kissing the top of her head.
    “I don’t wanna go back for Christmas.”
    “I’ll figure it out.”
    By that time it was already 7 and the meds she had to take made her tired so he put her to bed and stayed with her until she fell asleep before going out the kitchen where his phone laid on the counter. Never missing a step he grabbed his phone off the counter and walked out the door, gently shutting it so that he didn’t wake up (Y/N). He quickly scrolled through his contacts, easily finding who he was looking for. It rang for a few moments before it was answered.
    “How fucking dare you?!” He quickly said, he was beyond pissed.

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