Let's Get 'Em

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They made small talk most of the way there to lighten the mood but everyone fell silent as soon as they got close to the island. The ominous volcano overflowing with smoke wasn't even the worst part for most of them, it was the memories that came with the sight of the island. Sure, there had been a lot of good memories but the last time they had been there they had been running for their lives, quite literally. It wasn't long after the island came into view that they landed, Claire was the first one off. 

"Claire. Ken Wheatley. Welcome back," A man greeted her.

"Quite an operation you've got going on here," Claire thought out loud.

"Mr. Lockwood takes his humanitarian efforts very seriously. So, where are the, uh, Raptor wranglers?" Wheatley asked.

"Animal behaviorist. Owen Grady," Owen said since he was next off the plane.

"Hey, Owen. Ken Wheatley."

"And you are. . . Great White Hunter?" Owen asked jokingly.

"I guess. I'm the expedition facilitator."

"Oh God! It's hot!" Franklin suddenly exclaimed from behind them, near the plane.

"Hey, are there supposed to be two of you?" Ken asked Owen.

"Gee I wonder why," (Y/N) said to Franklin, the sacracsm dripping off her words.

"I'm pretty sure there's only one of her kind," Owen said looking back at her.

(Y/N) made her way over to where Owen was.

"Are you talking about me?" (Y/N) asked jokingly before turning to Wheatley.

"(Y/N) Grady."

"Ken Wheatley. Well, now that introductions are out of the way we are on a bit of a tight schedule so we should get moving," Ken said.

Eventually, they made their way to Main Street.

"Bad memories?" Wheatley suddenly asked.

"Some were good," Owen said simply.

Suddenly there was a sound thump outside.

"What was that? Is it the T-Rex?" Franklin panicked.

Zia looked out of one of the small windows, "I have to see this."

"Hey. Miss? Miss! This area is not secure," Wheatley called after her.

Everyone followed out of the vehicle to watch the dino walk slowly by, maybe this wouldn't be so bad. 

Eventually, they made it to one of the old power stations, (Y/N), and Owen were standing off to the side.

"Is it just me or does Wheatley remind you of Hoskins?" (Y/N) asked quietly.

"Not as fat," Owen said.

"Not as good of a dino sacrifice," (Y/N) said.

They both started laughing.

"We really shouldn't make fun of a dead guy," Owen said.

"Yeah, but it is funny," (Y/N) replied.

"I didn't say we should stop," Owen joked.

"Owen! (Y/N)!" Claire called when they got the door open.

Franklin sat down at one of the old computers.

"Are we sure these biometric chips are still transmitting? The battery would be dead by now," Zia asked.

"The dinosaur is the battery. They're powered by body heat and movement," Claire explained.

Franklin snapped his fingers suddenly, pointing to something, "Hand."

"How much longer until. . ." Claire started to ask but was cut off by the power turning on.

"I'm in. There's a large concentration on the East dock," Franklin said.

"That's our boat. We've already captured a bunch of 'em," Wheatley explained.

"Without the tracking system?" Claire asked.

"The big herbivores were easy to find. Can you isolate those Raptors?" Wheatley asked.

"I need a species code."


"There they are. We're gonna need to borrow your truck," Owen said.

"I'm coming with you. We don't know what kind of condition they might be in," Zia said before walking towards the door.

"Miss, things could get hairy out there," Wheatley warned.

"These are powerful sedatives. One to many and either one of them could have respiratory failure. Also, I'm not as soft and witless as your comment implies. Let's go beefcake," Zia said, walking out.

"Oh, Owen? Be careful okay?" Claire called after him.

"If I don't make it back. . . Remember. . . You're the one who made me come," Owen joked.

"I'll be alright," Owen joked before cocking his gun.

"Didn't I make you come?" (Y/N) asked.

"Yeah but that wouldn't have been as funny, so now it's on you if I don't make it back," Owen joked.

"What if I don't make it back?" (Y/N) asked.

"You'll make it back," Owen said in a determined tone.

He tossed her a gun as he walked past her, "You might need that."

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