Find Her

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A/N: Before anyone gets all excited by this, this is not official, it is still in the decision phase. I've been contemplating getting Eclipse some "official" art since early in the Fallen Kingdom arc. I think it would be really cool (but that might just be me). But, here's the issue, in "The Bond" I gave a very basic description of Eclipse, leaving most of the creativity with her physical attributes to your minds. So, if any of you would like to see art of Eclipse please leave a comment giving your own description of her so that I'll be better able to explain what she looks like to make sure we get the best outcome possible. If you'd like, you can even describe a favorite pose for her! Now, if any of you are like me and don't really like to leave your opinions in the comments, you can always feel free to message me! There may or may not be a sort of prize for whoever (or multiple combined ideas) gives Eclipse the best description🤔😁. And if you think it's the worst idea you've ever heard feel free to let me know too.

"So, you guys worked in the Raptor pens at Jurassic World?" Ian asked Owen and (Y/N).

"Yep," (Y/N) replied, making the 'p' louder than the rest of the word for no particular reason.

"Wow. Well, what happens? You just tell them what to do and they listen?" Ian questioned.

"Human-animal bond based on mutual respect," Owen answered.

"So, which one of you had the black and white one?" Alan interjected.

"How do you know about her?" (Y/N) suddenly chimed in. 

"She was on the news a few times. So, I'm guessing she was yours then?" Alan replied.

"You guessed right," (Y/N) said, not looking back at him, this conversation was just making her miss Eclipse more.

They hadn't been separated for extended periods of time since they had rescued her from Isla Nublar. Plus, following (Y/N)'s order had been part of what had gotten her captured. Yes, (Y/N) knew Eclipse could've fought back and escaped, but Eclipse was never one to go against something she said. As it turns out, Owen had clued Alan in on this earlier, a fellow Raptor enthusiast could help distract her.

"So, you two have a bond unlike any other, of course, you've heard that before. How did you do it? To change the brain of a prehistoric predator?" Alan began to question.

Needless to say, the two of them spent most of the rest of the walk going back and forth about dinosaur knowledge. Owen hadn't seen her that excited about something in a long time. 

"Alright you two, quiet down, we don't know who or what is hanging around here," Owen finally had to say.

The two of them fell silent and (Y/N) tensed up again. Once they figured out how to turn the ADS back on, Owen turned to leave. 

"Give me eight minutes and I can find her," Owen said.

"Wait. Who's this now?" Ian asked, once again confused.

"Beta. Blue's baby," Maisie answered as if it was run-of-the-mill information.

"Velociraptor," Kayla clarified.

"What?" Ellie asked, getting caught up in the confusion.

"A baby raptor?" Alan questioned.

"And you gave her a name? How about that," Ian commented to himself.

"I made a promise we'd bring her home," Owen answered.

"You made a promise. . . To a dinosaur?" Ian asked.

"You'll come with us right?" Maisie asked Alan.

"Maisie, I-" Alan started.

"Please," Maisie interrupted.

"I'm coming with too, I'll check the lab for Eclipse," (Y/N) said, not waiting for anyone's approval. 

"(Y/N)," Owen called after her, picking up his pace to catch up with her.

(Y/N) turned to him and took the tranquilizer gun he was holding out for her.

"Be careful and be on that helicopter in 8 minutes," Owen told her.

"Same goes for you," (Y/N) said before walking away.

"What, no hug?" Owen called.

"We only got 8 minutes, I owe you one when we're done!" (Y/N) called back.

Once she turned the corner, she didn't stop running until she reached the lab and eventually found where they had been keeping Eclipse. Of course, she was long gone. 

"Oh, Eclipse. Why can't you ever make things easy?" (Y/N) muttered to herself. 

She began searching the area for any clues, even using some of the whistles she had used to train Eclipse. Before she got far, her walkie-talkie started making noise.

"(Y/N)! Get outside, we need to go!" Owen's voice rang through the device.

(Y/N) could tell by the tone in his voice that he meant business and there was no room for debate. 

Even so, "I need to find her." 

"(Y/N)!" Owen shouted.

(Y/N) stood there for a few very tough moments. 

"I promise, I will find you, no matter what it takes. But not today," (Y/N) finally decided.

"I'm on my way," (Y/N) replied through the walkie-talkie.

It took her a few short minutes to get out of the building. The dinosaurs corralled in the area were already beginning to fight, she quickly spotted the rest of the group and tried to make her way to them. She didn't get far before a glimpse of something caught her eye. She turned her head and there Eclipse stood, across the center, looking at her with desperate eyes. She was muzzled, her arms were chained together, and the remains of chains and shackles were still clinging to her legs. And back her into a corner was the Giganotosaurus, ready to kill.

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