Never Underestimate The Unknown

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    Everyone scattered fairly quickly once they got their wits back together, and soon enough only Owen, (Y/N), and the Indoraptor were left in the room.
    “Well, that went better than I thought it would,” (Y/N) stated, walking over to Owen.
    “You couldn’t have been a little more discrete with your plan?” Claire suddenly called from behind them.
    “Did you have a better idea?” (Y/N) half asked, half snapped.
    “Let’s just focus on getting out of here for now,” Owen said, trying to stop a battle of wits before it started.
    “What about the Raptors?” (Y/N) asked, almost desperately.
    “We can come back for them,” Owen said as he began to walk away.
    “We don’t know what they’re doing, the Raptors are the only ones that weren’t up to be sold, and I’m willing to bet it has something to do with making more of him,” (Y/N) stated, somewhat defiantly, pointing to the Indoraptor.
    “Okay, fine, we’ll see what we can find, but whether we find something or not, we’re leaving in 10 minutes,” Owen compromised.
    “Yay. I love mysteries,” (Y/N) said, walking quickly past Owen.
    Owen just shook his head and laughed.
    “Do you have any authority over her?” Claire asked.
    “Yeah, but when she has her mind made up about something, there’s no changing it. And whether you realize it or not, she doesn’t make decisions lightly,” Owen explained, following after (Y/N).
    “So, where do you wanna start looking?” Owen asked, glancing over his shoulder to make sure Claire and Maisie were following them.
    “Well, it’s not going to be in any of the easily accessible rooms so, I’d say just start looking for ways to get to whatever they have hidden,” (Y/N) said.
    Meanwhile, the Indoraptor watched them leave the room, curious about every single one of them. Once they were out of sight, he paced around in his cage, unsure of what to do in such a small space, he was used to small areas, but this was even smaller than his normal cage. But it wasn’t long before he had the company of yet another human, but this one didn’t seem very friendly.
    “Mills! Mills, where are you? I want my bonus!” Wheatley called before spotting Indoraptor, waiting in his cage.
    “Holy cow. What are you? I didn’t see you on the island,” Wheatley asked rhetorically, somewhat in awe.
    Slowly he raised his gun and shot the Indoraptor, twice for good measure. The Indoraptor roared and staggered slightly but didn’t fall.
    “Oh, you’re a tough guy,” Wheatley stated, raising his gun to shoot again.
    Before he could shoot, the Indoraptor walked slowly to the center of its cage and fell to the floor, out like a light. Wheatley paused and thought for a moment as if he knew it was all a trick and the creature would rise at any second. But he pushed those thoughts aside and walked up to the cage, opened the door, and carefully stepped in. He pushed the creature’s head with his foot just to make sure he was really out cold.
    “Look at you. Some kind of hotrod with really pretty teeth. This will make a perfect centerpiece for my necklace,” Wheatley whispered to himself, taking out his pliers.
    He struggled to try and get the tooth out of the dinosaur’s jaw. He turned around once when he was sure he felt something behind him, but nothing was there, so he went back to his quest. The next time he felt something behind him, he turned to see the creature’s tail suspended in the air. May three shots wouldn’t have been the worst idea. . .

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