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Sam- I believe we are about 5 minutes from the settlement

Jake- Yeah I think so to. It's crazy to think that we are what is standing in the way of DC falling.

Sam- Yeah I know what you mean but S.H.D. activated us for a reason. That means it's bad here for us to be activated.

Isac ( Isac is kind of like a Alexa/ Siri in the division 2 ) Safe Zone up ahead

Sam- Looks like it's up this street.

Guard 1- Hold it there or we will fire.

Guard 2- Stay back. ( Radio) Hello, .... yes ..... ok got it. Hey Odessa said to let them through.

Guard 1- Alright fine.

Sam- That was a close one Jake.

Jake- Yeah anyways lets go meet the leader of the settlement

Inside a room of the settlement

???- Look I get it ok,  we will find here Odessa

Odessa- I know it's just that ( Sighs) I miss her.

Sam and Jake- Uhh hello the guards outside said to come up here and meet a Odessa Sawyer?

Odessa- Yeah that's me why are you here?

Sam- Well we are Division Agents and Manny Ortega sent us here and we are also supposed to meet up with Agent Kelso have you meet her?

???- That would be me

Jake- Now that we are here what do you want us to do?

Odessa- Kelso should we tell them?

Kelso- Yeah I think we should they could help us.

Odessa- (Sighs) Ok it's my Daughter some Hyena's took here and is holding here hostage at a Hotel not far from here.

Kelso- I figured since you guys are Division agents y'all could help us.

Sam and Jake- Yeah sure when do we go get here?

Kelso- In about a hour

Sam- Alright, we are going to check our gear and then meet outside by the gates in a hour.

Kelso- Alright sounds good I'll do the same.

1 hour later

Kelso-  Alright lets go you two

Sam and Jake- Alright we will help out the best we can

Kelso- So where were you two before coming to DC?

Sam- Well we were finishing our training and then we went to New York after the S.H.D network lost contact with the first wave of agents. From what we knew about those agents are they are either rouge or dead.

Jake- It's highly unlikely that they would be alive if there where rouges since they were Ex- Division agents.

At the Hotel

Hyena grunt- Sir we got Division agents incoming

Hyena Leader- Don't let them get near the roof got it??

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