
14 0 0

Sam- It's been 2 months since me and Jake meet up with Sarah and Tim. Its been going good but one thing that concerns us is that the Hyena's activity has been few to none. It makes you wonder is their another faction out there that's beating them?

Sam- Hey Jake I'm going to hit the hay.

Jake- Alright I'll keep watch with Tim. Once we get ready to switch I'll wake you up.

Sam- I laid down for about 5 minutes until passing out.

Sam- All of a sudden I was awoken to the sounds of gun fire and yelling. I look what was happening and then I saw a figure standing above Jake looking down at him. I tried to move but I couldn't get up. I looked on in horror as he picked up Jake and pulled out his knife and stabbed him in the chest. After he did that Tim tried to shot him but by the time he pulled out his weapon he was shot to the ground by another figure.

???- Keener how many were there?

Aaron Keener- John said four, I got two of the four May.

May- I'm guessing they were S.H.D. agents? If they were rouges we wouldn't be here.

Keener- You really are smart.

John- Sir I got another Agent she tried running.

Keener- Good all we need to find is that last one.

Back with Sam

( In his head) I can't get up something on my legs. It's to dark to see I'm guessing a piece of metal from the roof. Who was that figure and why were they here. I saw him murder two of my friends in cold blood with out giving them a chance to defend them selves. I swear if I ever meet the person I make him watch me kill those are came here with him today. I will put him though the pain he caused.

Keener- Well well well look what we have here. Looks like we got the last Agent of this little squad. To be honest being Division agents and all I though yall would at least put up a fight. Those first two guys were stupid trying to fight me. Anyways I hope you enjoyed your stay here in DC because this is the end of the line for you. I think you would like to know that we also got your other fellow agents I her name was Sarah or something.

Sam- You Bastard I will make you pay for what you did to them. You murdered them in cold blood.

Keener- Well I guess I did murder them in cold blood but what do I care I'm a rouge and I don't work for the division anymore.

Sam- I bet you were the one hunting down agents and turning their fellow agents against the them at New York.

Keener- Well aren't you a smart agent. To bad I have to kill you but if I didn't have to you would make a fine addition to my team of rouges. ( Draws sidearm) Any last words?

Sam- The Division will come after you don't know what you got your self into.

Keener- It won't matter because I'm the elite Rogue Aaron Keener. ( Fires sidearm)

???- Sam, Sam, SAM

Sam- I'm up I'm up

Jake- What happened you were yelling in your sleep? You were saying something about I will make you pay you murdered them in cold blood.

Sam- Jake I swear I saw all of you guys die.

Sarah and Tim enter

Sarah- Well um we are still alive and healthy.

Tim- What do you mean you saw us die?

Sam- I was stuck under some metal from the roof and I saw rouge named Aaron Keener pick up and stab Jake in the chest and then Tim tries to shoot Keener but he ends up getting gunned down before he gets to shoot. Then as Keener walk up to me he says that one of his rogues got and killed Sarah and that I was the only one left in his way and then he shoot and that's Jake woke me up.

Sarah- Did you just say A.aron... Kee.ner?

Sam- Yeah.

Tim- Do you not know about Keener? Well He was one of the best Agents the division produced and he was in our old squad. He and our other squad mate John tried hunting us down.

JTF member- Um Agents we just received a letter at the door. Do you want me to read it?

Sam- Yes please

JTF Member- Dear Agents,

It's me Kelso I believe I'm being tracked by some rogues. So I will be going dark for now I need you to meet me here tomorrow morning. ( Gives Address)

Sam- Alright we know what we have to do. Check your gear for tomorrow.

The Next day

They Agents arrive at the place

???- Welcome Agents

Sam and Sarah and Tim- Tha..t ( The three turns around)

???- It's me in the flesh

Anyways I'm gonna end it here I hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry that's its not as long as some others. Till next time

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