From the Shadows

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???- Welcome agents. Ah you must be Sam, Sarah, Jake and Tim.

Sam- Who are you and how do you know our names?

???- It won't matter because you already know who I am ( Steps into the light)

Sam- ( with a mad look in his eyes) Aaron Keener

Keener- Yep that's the name don't wear it out.

Sam- Why did you bring us here? Where is Agent Kelso

Keener- Ah that's right you haven't meet my rogues
We have May, John, Me and last but not least ( Kelso steps into the light) Kelso.

Jake- Kelso why are you up there with him? Why did you turn rogue?

Kelso- Sorry Agents it's apart of the job. Keener what should I do with them?

Keener- Eliminate them. No one survives

Kelso- Yes sir

The agents began a fire fight with Kelso and the other rogues but in the process another agent squad heard the gunfire and got the backup request from the agents.

???- Go fire back and check on the others.

Sam- Tim it's alright stay down, watch out backs we will get you out of here.

Tim- (bleeding bad) O...k....

All of a sudden I felt a sharp pain in my chest. I looked down to see what was shot. I feel to the ground unable to move. I though this was the end Sam thought.

Jake- SAM!!!! Hold on I'm coming for you.

Sam- (passed out)

Isac- Back up request received.

???- Agents what happened? How many wounded?

Jake- It's keener and his rogues. We have two wounded one unconscious and one awake.

???- Alright got it. My names Tristan by the way what's yours?

Sam- My name is Sam. Can you have your agents help get the wounded out of here.

Tristan- Alright got it. (On Radio) Agents we need to get squad A's wounded out of here.

Sarah- Jake let's flank them.

Kelso's thoughts- My mission is this? To hurt the people I used to call brothers and sisters? I couldn't let the agents find out about my actual mission. Which was to take down keener any way I could. I had to join his ranks so I could take down him from the inside. I never imagined that I would have to fight against my brothers and sisters.

The agents were forced back or risked all being K.I.A.

Back with the agents->

Jake- Hey Tristan can I talk to you?

Tristan- Sure what's up?

Jake- It's about Kelso, I never thought that I would have to fight someone I used to call my sister in arms. I don't know what Kelso thought to join Keener but all I know is we must carry on the mission to reclaim DC. For all we know we are the last of the agents still able to fight and still in contact with the S.H.D network and in contact with Manny Ortega.

Tristan- I never meet this Kelso but I heard story's about her and Keener. They were some of the best agents that the Division produced.

Now with Kelso- I need to talk to the agents I could use Isac but then Keener could be listening in. I guess I will have to talk face to face. Kelso said

Kelso- (knocks at door)

Jake- Shhh get your side arm.

Kelso- It's me Kelso open up.

Jake- Isac open the door.

Isac- door open.

(Kelso walks in)

Jake- Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right here on the spot.

Kelso- I know I know ok? I need to join Keener so I could take him down I need to get close to him. (Sighs) The Division/ Manny Ortega told me one on one to take down Keener by any means need. They also said I could tell any as we didn't know who was still loyal.

Jake- (Sighs) Kelso you could've told us we would have helped. Now because of your actions Sam and Tim might not pull through. It might have been their last time they saw you and the Kelso they saw was they one that backstabbed them instead of helping them retake DC.

Kelso-( Sighs) I know but it's my missions and I must complete it. You guys have your missions and so do I do I wish y'all the best of luck.

Somewhere else->

???- Ridgeway, should we take Capital Hill now?

Ridgeway- Yes, Take it by any means needed. We need our stronghold and it will be there.

Well I'm going to end it here I hope you enjoyed. sorry that it's short. Should I make Kelso Go fully rogue or still act rouge but is still a S.H.D agent?
Till next time.

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