Chapter.1 A girl group?

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Mina's POV

"Ok the judges have asked me to call some of you back"one of the producers said"so can Laura Campbell,Mina Fallon,Chelsea Hart,Vanessa Watson and Alena Martin please follow me"

Thats weird. He called out my name,i wonder what this is about cause i have had a bad enough day.

Me and the other four girls followed him. I looked at each of them.

The one girl had her black hair in a high bun,one was blonde and was dressed better then the others,one girl had dip dyed blonde ends and a nose piercing and the other one had light brown hair with blue eyes. All these girls were extremely beautiful and i dont know why there calling us all back.

We followed the producer to a room and there sat the four judges. He told us to sit on the couch,which we did.

"Ok girls,i have some news for you"Simon said"im just gonna make this easy for all of you,want we want is to put the five of you in a girl group"

Im sure all our jaws dropped when he said this. A girl group? Is he serious?

"Your all very talented and we think this will work"he continued to talk. I cant believe this is actually happening.

Me and the other four girls had a group hug. I have never hugged a stranger before but this time i dont mind.

Laura's POV

Me and the other four girls,who are now my bandmates,walked out of the room. We had another group hug then we all stood in a circle. We all told each other our names.

The one dressed nicer then the others was Alena,the one with black hair was Vanessa,the one with the piercing was Chelsea and the other one with brown eyes was Mina.

"So what happens now?"Chelsea asked.

"Well we know each others names,so we should probably get to work and pick a song since bootcamp is tomorrow"Vanessa said. She sounds so motherly.

"Yeah,thats probably best"Mina agreed with her.

We all walked back to the hotel we were staying at. Well where all the contestants were staying. We walked in the lobby and saw some of the contestants running around and rehearsing.

Some looked really nervous and others seemed very stuck up and over confident. I hate people like that,i hope none of these girls are like that.

We decided not to rehearse here cause we all thought we could get more work done if it was quiet. As we walked up to the room we passed a group of about eight boys sitting in the hallway. It looked like they were practising a song. But they all cant be in a band,theres eight of them. I think thats way to many members for one band.

We walked past them but for some reason i felt that they were staring at us. The other girls didnt seem to notice so i just ignored them too.

When we were out of their sight i spoke up"Did anyone else notice those guys staring at us?"

"You saw too? I was hoping i wasnt the only one"Alena said.

"Yeah,but why were they staring?"Chelsea asked.

"I dont know but right now we dont have time for that,we have less then 24 hours to learn a song that we havent even picked yet"Vanessa said.

"Ok then lets just get to work"Mina said and we all sat down. Hopefully we can all come to an agreement quick.

Tom's POV

Alot has happened in the past few hours. I got put in a boyband and its not that theres five or four of us. Were eight people! Yes you heard me,eight people in one band.

Im not sure how this is going to work but its our ticket back in the competition and thats something we all want.

Anyway,me and the boys decided to sit in the hallway and rehearse,since we all had people busy in our rooms and it wasnt very noisy here.

We were still deciding what song to do and thats when a group of five girls walked past. I think we all stopped what we were doing and literally stared at those five girls. Thank the lord they didnt see us staring,it would be bad for me since i have a girlfriend.

Once they were out of sight Casey was the first one to talk"Did you see those girls?"he said with a smirk and he wiggled his eyebrows.

"How could we not"Chris said looking up and smiling like an idiot"i think im in love"

"With which one?"Reece asked.

"Light brown hair and blue eyes,the rest of you back off her"he said pointing at all of us.

"Dont worry i had my eye on the blonde one,she was fit"Barclay said.

"I like the other one,with the brown eyes,she looks so sweet and innocent"Jake said.

"I dont care,as long as none of you go after piercings girl,she is mine"Casey pointed at all of us.

"But i like the piercings girl"Charlie said in a baby voice.

"Sorry,but she looks to old for you,and just my type"

"What if she doesnt like you?"James asked.

"Well boys i am quite a ladies man,i have never failed to get a girls number or chat her up"he said which made us all laugh.

"Whatever you say,ladies man"Jake said still laughing"what about you Tom?"

"What?"i asked.

"Dont ask what,which one did you like?"

"I dont know,i wasnt really looking"i said looking down at a piece of paper we had.

"Thats a lie,you were full on staring,now which one do you like?"Reece said.

"Boys,i really cant,i have a girlfriend"i tried to make them stop but it didnt work.

"We wont tell her,we dont even know who she is"James begged.

"Ok,black hair green eyes"i said still looking at the piece of paper for no reason.

"Was that so hard"Barclay patted his shoulder.

"Whatever,can we just get back to work"i tried to change the subject. Luckily they agreed with me.

We got back to work but it took a few minutes before they could actually focus. Wow,i dont know who those girls are but they already got the boys love sick.

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