Chapter.2 Dont try to look the same

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Alena's POV

Today was bootcamp. Me and the girls were nervous as hell for our audition today. Me and the girls decided to do 'Beautiful' by Christina Agulera,but we made it a bit different.

What made it easier was that we knew most of the song and we came to an agreement quicker then what i thought we would. We worked on our vocals and harmonies and i think we actually sounded good.

We were on our way to the x factor studio. We didnt plan on dressing the same so we all looked different. I think its good that we dont try to look the same.

I was wearing a black white mini-skirt with a black top,black heels and my hair loose. Vanessa was wearing black jean shorts,gold sandals and a white blouse with her hair in a bun. Mina was wearing a pink and black dress with black heels and her hair in a ponytail. Laura was wearing grey jeans,a black top and boots with her hair loose. Chelsea was wearing black high waisted jeans,a red cheque shirt with a white crop top under,white converse and a black beanie. As you can see we all have different styles.

On the way we kept going over the song. We had less 24 hours to learn this so i hope we do well,and dont forget the words.

We arrived at the place. We had to wait backstage till it was our turn. While we were there we saw the eight boys who were staring at us yesterday. This was kinda weird since they were staring at us again and i could see we were all trying to ignore them.

"Do you see them staring?"Mina whispered to us.

"I know,this is really uncomfortable for me"i replied.

"So you dont want them to stare at us anymore?"Chelsea raised an eyebrow.

"Of course we dont"Laura said in an 'are you serious' tone.

"Why didnt you just say so"she got up and walked over to them. We tried to stop her but it was too late. She walked over to them and was talking to them.

After a while she came back to us. We all looked at her shocked.

"Ok so this is whats going on"she said ignoring our facial expressions"one is a huge flirt,the other one is in love,the other one looks like a male model and theres too much of them to remember the other stuff"

"You know,that doesnt even come close to explaining why they were staring"Mina said.

"You want me to go over there again"

"No!"we all said.

Me and the girls talked for a while then two boys came over to us.

"Hello"the one said"im Charlie"

"And im Reece"the other one said.

"Can we help you with something?"Vanessa said.

"No,they just sent us over to come talk to you girls"Reece said looking back at the other boys.

"You two are adorable"Chelsea said and made them blush.

"Thank you"Charlie said blushing.

"Awww"we all said together.

"So are you eight a band?"i asked.

"Yep,were newly formed"Reece said.

"Just like us"Vanessa said"wait where are our manners,you dont know our names"

"Im Laura"





"Nice meeting you girls"Reece said"we should probably get back to the rest of the boys,since the shows gonna start soon"

"Well,nice seeing you two"i said"and stay adorable"i made them blush again. They waved as they walked back to the other boys.

"They are so cute"Mina said.

"I know"we all agreed.

Jake's POV

Reece and Charlie walked back to us with huge smiles on their faces.

"So what happend?"James asked what we were all thinking.

"Well we talked to them,they told us their names and called us cute"Charlie answered.

"Wait who did they call cute?"i asked.

"Me and Charlie obviously"Reece said.

"So they didnt say anything about me"Casey said in disbelief.

"Forget you,they didnt say anything about me"Barclay said in even more disbelief.

"Whatever,just tell us their names"Chris said.

"Ok,the blonde one is Alena,piercings girl is Chelsea,black hair and green eyes is Vanessa,brown eyes is Mina and blue eyes is Laura"Reece explained to us.

"And did you tell them our names?"Tom asked.

"Well they know mine and Charlies names but we didnt mention yours"

"So the love of my life doesnt know my name"Chris said disappointed.

"She is not the love of your life,you saw her yesterday and you havent even talked to her"Tom said.

"And lets not forget the fact that she doesnt even know you exist"James said laughing slightly.

"Shut up"Chris said.

"Whatever,lets just focus on the song"Tom said and we went over it again.

So at least know i know her name,Mina. I wanna know about her,but why? She looks so sweet and innocent and i dont usually go for girls like that. Theres just something about her.

Hey guys,so that was the first two chapters,i hope you liked it cause i have alot more planned for this story.

Also if you guys have any ideas for group names that i can give them please,please,please send in names cause that would mean the world to me.

Well the next chapter will be up soon,so please keep reading. Love you guys.

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