One Direction; Niall x Natalie; Happy Birthday Princess

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  • Dedicated to Natalie Bellamy

You're sitting in the airport, waiting for your plane to start boarding, when your phone rings. Without really looking to see who it is, you answer it. "Hello?"

"Hello, may I please speak to Natalie Bellamy?" A strange voice says from the other end.

"Uh..yeah? This is her?" You say, confused. You look at your phone to see who it is you're talking to. You smile and roll your eyes when you read 'Nialler' on the caller ID. Wow, he's trying to prank call you, but didn't even bother to make it seem like a private number! But you go along with it anyways. "Who is this may I ask?"

"Um..this is..uh.."

You laugh. "Oh c'mon Niall, you gotta plan these thing out before you just prank call someone!"

"What?!" A familiar Irish accent yells into the phone, before clearing his throat and continuing in the same strange voice as before. "I, uh, I'm sorry miss, I don't know what you're talking about."

You laugh again. "You forgot to block your number babe. I know it's you."

There's some (rather loud) cursing, followed by a sigh. "I at least had you fooled for a little bit though, yeah?"

"Yes, yes you did."

"Ok, good, that's all that matters. Anyways, I actually have something I have to tell you, and I thought it would be better to do over the phone." His voice gets kinda serious.


"I, uh..well, you turns out, I'm not gonna be able to come visit you in Germany.."

Your heart sinks a bit. You had been really looking forward to seeing him, since the last time the two of you were together was Christmas, and it's now the day after St. Patrick's Day. "Oh.."

"I'm really sorry babe!! I really wanted to, but we're just really busy with the tour and stuff right now, and I just don't have enough time. Not even for just a day trip."

"It's ok, I understand." You say, trying to sound as normal as possible.

"I'm reeeally sorry babe..I feel terrible.."

"No really Niall, it's ok, don't worry about it." A woman's voice comes over the PA system saying that your flight is going to start boarding. "Hey, I have to go, my flight's starting to board."

"Oh, ok. Have a safe flight babe! I love you!!"

Even though you've heard him say it millions of times, it still makes you blush. "I love you too." You hang up, collecting your things, and head over to the gate to get in line. Your phone rings again, it's Niall. Rolling your eyes, you answer. "Ye-"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" You have to hold the phone away from your ear to keep from going deaf.

"Geez Niall, I swear you're gonna make me go deaf one of these days."

"I'm sorry..but I forgot to tell you before you hung up so."

"It's ok, I forgive you." You say with a laugh. "And thank you."

"You're welcome~!"

"I really have to go now though, I'm about to get on the plane. I'll let you know when I land, ok?"

"Ok, I love you!"

"I love you more."


After finally getting through customs, you go down to where you were told you were going to be picked up. Not even 2 feet past the sliding doors, and someone starts running at you.

"NATALIEEEE~!!!" You're hit with a force that sends you back a few steps.

"Hi Til, nice to see you too." You say with a laugh. The flippy blond haired boy lets you go and smiles widely at you.

"I'm so happy you're finally here!! I have so much planned for us to do!! And guess where we're going to celebrate your birthday!!" He pauses for a half a second before speaking again. Kinda giving you a chance to respond, but not really, you hardly even get your mouth open, let alone say anything. "The DISCO!!"

You burst out laughing. "God, you're such a dork!"


No sooner do you get to the house, Til's telling you to go and put on something nice. "C'mon, hurry up! We're gonna be late!"

As tired as you are, you do as you're told and go digging through your suitcase for the nicest thing you have. After changing, you go out to the living room to find not only Til, but every one of the other German kids that you made friends with when they came to visit your school back home.

You do a little twirl and they all clap for you before shoving you out the door and packing into a large taxi.


When you reach the "Disco", everyone gets out of the car and heads for the entrance. There's not much of a line waiting to get in, but your friends ignore it. They walk right up to the front of the line like they're VIPs or something!

From outside, you can hear the pounding of the bass inside. "Uh..Til..?" He shushes you as the bouncer lets you in.

When you walk through the door, it all hits you all at once. The pounding music shaking the sticky floor under your shoes. The flashing colored strobe lights over the dance floor, crowded with sweaty bodies moving together to the beat. The shiny bar with bartenders flipping bottles in the air and making small talk with the people lurking at the end who are either too drunk to dance, or not drunk enough to dance.

Before you can really take it all in, you're being shoved and pulled onto the dance floor. Into the hot, sticky, sweaty mess you go, reluctantly. "Dance Natalie!" And you do.

At first, you're a little awkward, just swaying back and forth with the music, but after a few songs (and maybe a couple drinks ;P ), you let the music take you over and just go crazy with it! The pounding beat and flashing lights make you forget how tired you are. You forget that mean old lady who sat next to you on the plane and kept looking at you with a judgmental fire in her eyes. The only thing you know right now is that you're having the time of your life.

Suddenly, someone wraps their arms around your waist and pulls you into them, snapping you out of your trance. Your first instinct is to get away from the stranger, but they don't let you. They hold you tighter, and you can feel their hot breath on your neck.

"Happy birthday Princess!" Someone whispers into your ear over the loud music. Instantly, you recognize the Irish accent that could only belong to one person.

You turn around, and standing there in front of you with a huge grin across his face and his arms still tight around your waist, is your amazing boyfriend. Immediately, he leans down to kiss you, and you wrap your arms around his neck.

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