Soul Eater; Soul x Maka; Nightmare

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~Soul's POV~

It's late when I get home. What the exact time is, I'm not sure. All the lights are off, so Maka's probably asleep.

Quietly, I slip my shoes off and tip-toe over to my room. I can hear soft murmurs coming from the other side of Maka's door when I pass it. I can't help the small smile that crosses my face. She's so cute when she talks in her sleep.

I finally get to my room and close the door behind me as quietly as I can. Blaire's curled up in a ball at the end of my bed, as if she had been waiting for me. Too tired to change, I toss my jacket and headband in a pile on the floor and crawl under the covers, careful not to wake the sleeping cat.


My eyes fly open and a yell escapes me as I sit straight up. A hand clamps over my mouth.

"Keep it down, would ya? Some of us are trying to sleep." It's Blaire in her human form, wearing what has to be the skimpiest pajamas I've ever seen.

"Sorry..." But she ignores me and goes right back to sleep.

My shirt is drenched in sweat, so I take it off and throw it across the room. It hits something before falling to the floor with a light thud. I sigh and lay back on my pillow.

Damn that stupid demon thing. Why won't he just leave me alone?

Shaking the question out of my head, I close my eyes and my mind almost instantly starts to drift off...


I rip myself away from the edge of dream land, and in one swift motion, jump out of bed, open my door, and burst through Maka's without even a second thought.

"Maka?" I rush over to the side of her bed, my tone complete concern. "Maka, what's wrong?"

"No, Soul! Don't!!" She tosses and turns, her eyes still closed, but pure fear fills the rest of her face. I let a small sigh of relief escape my lips. It's just a nightmare.

I run my fingers gently through her hair. "Maka..Maka wake up, you're having a bad dream." She stirs and her eyes open slowly.

"Hm...? Soul? What's going on?" She looks up at me, her green eyes filled with confusion.

"You were having a bad dream." I say in a low voice.

"Oh..." She looks down and hugs her pillow. "I woke you up..I'm sorry..."

"Oh, no, don't be. I was already up."

"But.." She looks over to her clock. "It's almost 5. What on earth are you still doing up?"

I debate whether or not I should tell her the truth or not..I decide not. I really don't want her worrying about me, especially after what I assume was a nightmare about I lie. "Blaire."

"Oh..I see..."

"Yeah..are you ok though?"

"Yeah." She smiles up at me, but it's not 100% convincing.

"Ok, I'm gonna go back to bed then." I get up from my kneeling position at the side of her bed and make my way to the door. My hand's on the handle, about to close it behind me, when I hear Maka's small voice.

"Soul..?" I turn around.



"What is it Maka?" I go back over to her.

"Could you..maybe...stay...?"

Thank God it's dark, cause I'm pretty sure I'm blushing. "If you want me to, then of course." I sit on the floor next to the bed and lean against it.


"Yes Maka?"

"Could you come up here..please..?

I blush deeper. "Sure.."

She moves over to make room for me next to her. I climb in and pull the covers up over the both of us. She cuddles into me, and I freeze. My heart races, I'm not quite sure what to do. I mean, it's not like I didn't think something like this might happen's Maka!

Pull yourself together Soul! Be cool!!

Hesitantly, I put my arm around her and pull her closer, bracing myself for her rejection. But it doesn't come. I let out another sigh of relief, letting my muscles relax. I place a soft kiss on the top of her head, and whisper. "Good night Maka.."

"Good night Soul..." It's so quiet, I'm not even sure she really said it.


Sooo...whadaya think? pleasepleasepleeeease comment or vote, it means a lot to me, and I really wana know what you think! x -Sakii

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