Incorrect quotes/vines to celebrate

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A/N- What's better then incorrect quotes and vines to celebrate Origins of Olympus coming back! For these we're obviously still in season 2,since one season 3 hasn't started and it's above 'Requests' (you'll see what that means)



Magnus: You fuckers don't know about my knife stick. It's a knife taped to a stick and it's the ultimate weapon.

Inpu,not looking up from his book: Spear.

Magnus: BLOCKED.

Shopworker: Would a Davis please come to the front desk?

Davis,arriving at the desk: Hello? Is something wrong?

Shopworker,who points to Ricarro and Lychee: I believe they belong to you?

Ricarro and Lychee at the same time: We got lost.

Davis: I didn't even bring you guys along-

*Davis and Ricarro sitting in jail*

Ricarro: So who do we call to get out of here?

Davis: I would call Mikkeal,but I feel safer in jail.

Xylo: Why is Bryan so sad?

Inpu: He took one of those "Which camper are you?" quizzes the counselors made.

Xylo: And..?

Inpu: He got the Seductive Rose.

Mario: You know those things will kill you,right?

Cal,pouring another glass of whiskey: That's the point.

Lychee smoking something: We're trying to speed up the process.

Xylo: *aggressively nods while eating raw cookie dough*

Mikkeal: Davis isn't answering his goddamn phone.

Ricarro: I'll call!

Mikkeal: Inpu and I have both tried six times each,what makes you thi-

Davis: Hey little bro!

Kay: How did none of you hear what I just said?!

Mario: Sorry,I've been zoned out for the past 2 and a half hours.

Nad: I got distracted halfway through.

Mikkeal: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.

Kay,putting down a card: Ace of spades

Xylo putting down a Uno card: Plus 4

Ricarro pulling out a Pokémon card: Jolteon,I choose you!

Mario trembling with fucking Phase 10 cards: What are we playing?!

Mario: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the items you have lost throughout your life

Cal: My sanity,haven't seen you in years!

Kay: Oh wow,my parents! Thank you for finding this!

Inpu: I knew I lost that arm somewhere!

Lychee: Dad,is that you?


Mario: I was about to show you a plushie from when I was little but are y'all okay?

Xylo: Kay! My face is on fire!

Kay: Xylo! Are you okay?!

Xylo: Oh yes I'm fine. I just said that to make sure you'd come in here quickly.

Kay: But your face is on fire.

Xylo: Yes. It's much faster than shaving.

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