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820 39 73

Chapter 1: Forgotten Love
Warning for this chapter: Language, violence

  The world had been at peace, you had rested your head against Eddie you was sitting next to you, you had finally caught up on everything that hadn't been turned in over the years, and now you had finally been out if school, and had an job as a video editor, you got to work from home, not to mention the pay was actually okay.
You and Eddie had started dating about two years after Ruv had been put away, filling out his request. You where happy, but there seemed to be a piece missing when it actually come to Eddie. He was a great guy! Nice, funny, smart, he even was successful.

By now it had been almost a full 6 years since Ruv had left, you had almost forgot about him, until it all came flooding back when you had to pack everything up to move.

You had large piles of things stuffed under your bed, with a trash can on stand by you had started your attempt to clean the things. You had been at it for almost two hours about now, you were sick of it. You had grabbed a paper that had been folded into a swan.

You look at it, seeing as it managed to not get pumbled by everything down there.

"Wonder when I did this." You smile to the figure about to put it aside, when you see a few words peak out from behind the left wing.

You open the swan slowly, managing not to accidentally rip the old thing. Finally openening it you start to read through the unfolded paper. You make it to the final few sentences feeling a few tears form in your eyes, "who is this?" You ask yourself looking over the paper for a name, but to your disadvantage it seemed that the name had been smeared away over time.

You look on your phone seeing a message from your boyfriend, asking if you wanted to come over. You reply with a yes, getting up and changing into something  that was comfortable.

On your way there you had passed a very tall man, he wore a black buttoned down shirt, one side tucked. Black ripped jeans, with a chain starting from their left pocket to the back pocket, checkered vans and had messy blue-grey hair and very pale blue eyes. He has seemed restless with the bags that were under his eyes. He had also had a black mask resting along his jaw.
Though the man you passed seemed off, you noticed that it felt like time slowed down when you passed the man.

You had continued walking farther and farther away from the man, until you feel a tap on your shoulder.

You turn around to see the same man, you had just pasted, "(y/n)?" He had spoken in a low, flat and tired voice. Yet his voice sounded familiar. The same bass deep voice that could scare anyone if you hadn't heard it before.

"Hello? How do you know my name?" You step back a bit concerned, about to make a run for it.

He stood in silence, looking to the ground, "I'm just going to be on my way now..." You slowly start to walk away, suddenly stopping when he grabs your hand.

"Origami Swan...Have you read the origami swan?" He gently tightens the grip on your hand, as you were confused resisting to scream 'rape'. But also shocked because of how this stranger knows that you have seen and origami swan.

"What about an origami swan?"

You felt his hand start to slightly shake as he began reversing the words that had been written in the letter you found earlier.

" I love you, I hope the best for you, and I hope both you and Sarvy comfort each other, as I couldn't get a letter to her. You'll always be my short idiot, I hope to see you soon."

His voice started to crack, letting go of your hand.

"Do.. You know Sarvente..?" Ruv had now been on the brink on tears, doing everything to not break down.

"Yes I know Sarvente. How do you know her?"

"Do...you know someone named Ruv..?"

You had a very confused face. As you watched the tall mans tears slowly leave his eyes, watching and seeing that his hands where in a tight fist.

"Yes? Who are you."

You further the conversion not knowing how this guy knows your friends and your very own name.

"Ruv..." Ruv had now stopped crying and held onto your hand once more.

Your eyes flash open, as a tsunami of memories come storming into your head, you look up to Ruv with teary eyes, "Your lying.."

You jump, having Ruv catch and hug you right back.

You both had stayed like that for almost  ten minutes when you had remembered that you had to go to your boyfriends place.

"Oh Ruv! Walk with me!" You grab Ruv by the hand and force him along with you. You both talked about past memories and how it was in the prison.
"So don't you have like...14 more years to serve?

Ruv had a nervous chuckle, " I was bailed out." Ruv watched ahead, watching as birds flew around, and played with each other.

"Do you know who it was?"

Ruv turned to you then back to the front.
"So where are we going?"

"Oh...My uh...friends place, remember Eddie? Most likely not."

"Mm the cashier?"

You nod, crossing the road, "we're here."

Ruv let's go of your hand, and pulls his black mask up.

"Why did you do that?"



You pointed to Ruvs mask, as Ruv just shurgs and yawns.

You knock on the door, right away Eddie answers.

"You know you can just come i-" Eddie eyes down Ruv seeing that he was holding your hand again.

"Don't fucking touch her-" Eddie swatted Ruvs hand away from your hand. "Get out of here, don't even fucking look at my girlfriend got it pal?"

You eyes widen, as you didn't exactly want to tell Ruv you've moved on.

"Girl..friend?" Ruv stumbles with his words as he directed his attention to you.

"Why didn't you tell me, I wouldn't have held your hand..." Ruv whispers holding his hand in a tight fist.

"Get out of here. NOW" Eddie demands pushing Ruv.


Ruv snaps punching Eddie in the nose, blacking out on the ground.

"Oops, my hand slipped."

Come Back to Me //Ruvyzvat x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now