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Chapter 5: Just Like Old Times
Warnings for this chapter: Language, alcohol
-Look out for a random words, I didn't realize I put words I needed in a different spot..


You and Ruv had been cuddling on the sofa watching TV when you both had heard a knock on the door, you stand up, as Ruv continues to lay down on the sofa.
You look through the peep hole of the door and see that Sarvente had finally found your apartment.

You quietly open the door and let Sarv inside, but when you start to close the door Ruv yawned a bit louder then usual. "Hey Sarv." Ruv scratches his head and sits up, making room for both you and Sarvente.
You smile, "just like old times eh!" Everyone nods, and Ruv pulls out a deck of go fish.
"Go-fish... With a twist." You look to Sarvente, who looked to you then to Ruv. "What?" Sarvente asks confused.

Ruv puts the cards down and gets up walking to his room.

After a minute Ruv comes back out holding a bottle of straight vodka.

"The winner gets to choose who drinks a shot of vodka" Ruv grins putting the bottle down in the middle of the table, while passing everyone a shot glass.
"We play until two of us blackout." Ruv adds while shuffling the deck of cards.

"Let the game begin." Ruv smiles passing out seven card to begin.

You look at your cards a place down two matching pairs, what luck. While Ruv put down one match.

Sarvente had none, so Sarvente decided to start.
She looks to Ruv, then back down to her cards. "Do you have a shark?" Ruv looks to his cards and gives it to Sarvente, as Sarv puts down a match.
Ruv looks to you and asks if you had a whale.

You roll your eyes and hand the card over to Ruv who had put down a match.
You all were tied now, the pressures on.

You look to Ruv, and then to Sarvente and go with Ruv.

"Ruv, do you have a fish?" Ruv shakes his head and says go fish, as you didn't pull the fish, you pulled another ones of your cards you had needed anyway, with that you put down another match.

You look around seeing that you had the lowest amount of cards.
Ruv had 5
Sarvente had 5
You had 3

Now it was Sarventes tied, again. she looked to you and asked if you had a bird, you say go fish and she draws a card.
Next was Ruv, he doesn't even look up before he draws a card, placing down a match.
Now you and Ruv where tied with 3 cards.

You look around and focus on Sarvente. "Sarv have any snails?" Sarv look to you with a pissed look, then hands over the card. You place down the match with a single card left.

Sarvente goes, by just drawing a card. While Ruv asks Sarvente if she had a shrimp. She gave the card, as Ruv put down yet another match, seemingly tied again.

You looked at your last card, and to Sarvente, thinking she'd most love likely have the card you need, since she had the most cards.
You ask Sarvente if she had a cat, and she gave you the card.

You had won! Placing down the last match. Sarvente wasn't happy, but Also didn't care because she knew she wasn't going to from the beginning.

Ruv on the other hand gave you a silent clap, "well played".

"Now pick who takes the shot." You glide the vodka to Ruv who didn't seem surprised.

"I don't usually drink, but I guess I'll do it" Ruv pours it into his shot glass. Ruv drinks it in one go, and puts the glass back down.
"Wasn't as bad as I suspected."


A few hours pass of this oddly stressful game of go fish, and so far it looked like it was about to be over. Sarvente was starting to loose her shit. You were on the verge of passing out, and well Ruv was perfectly fine.

Ruv had won the past ten games.

It almost seemed as if he was cheating, but he wasn't. He was actually playing completely fair. It was you and Sarvente who had been cheating.
You both would somehow share each others cards, and try to win.

Ruv had just won again, and this time it was different.

"Alright. Who wants to drink this time?" Ruv laughs looking at both you and Sarvente.
"How do you keep winning.." Sarvente said in a broken low voice.

Ruv sighs and takes a shot.

"Game over." Ruv says collecting the cards as you look to him confused.
  Then he points to Sarvente. "She's out cold."

You look at Sarvente and get up, grabbing and putting a blanket on her.

"I'm going to bed" You spoke, walking back to your room, as Ruv gave a thumbs up.
You make it to your room, not even getting to your bed you just fall asleep on the ground.

Meanwhile Ruv started the dishwasher, also cleaning up the mess that was left from Sarvente.
Ruv picked up Sarvente and put her on the sofa. Ruv then walked back to your room to check on you, he peeks in and sees that you were on the floor, out cold too.

"Oh boy." Ruv pick you up placing you in your bed,  and gently places a blanket over you and sits at the end of your bed, falling asleep against the wall next to/behind your bed.



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