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Chapter 7: Tired
Warnings for this chapter: Language, also this chapter gets a bit heated, and chaotic...
Also my horny side hit like a bitch... *Prays*


"That's hot" Ruv blurted out, he had a decently concerning smug look on his face.
You giggle, then getting a very cold shiver down your spine. You didn't feel great about where this was going anymore...
You try to give Ruv hints that you didn't think you should do it anymore, but it seemed that Ruv didn't exactly catch on.
Ruv slowly started to tighten his grip on you, starting to sit himselg up.

"Ruv I don't think we should continue..." You struggled, looking at Ruv with a converted face.
Rub immediately stopped everything as he held your face with a very gentle touch "was it something I did...or"

You shook your head, taking Ruvs hands off your face.

"I just have a bad feeling about it" Ruv tilts his head confused, then laying back down on the couch, pulling you down with him so you were on his chest.
"You better not be fucking with me" Ruv then closed his eyes beginning to play with your hair.
You layed on him starting to get oddly comfortable, whilst thinking about what you could do to bring back the mood despite your awful feeling you had.

Then you got an idea, you would 'use the bathroom.'

You softly tap Ruv on his hand, saying that you had to use the bathroom. After Ruv nodded you started to slide off Ruv by going down his torse, resulting in you eventually grinding against his groin. Eventually getting off him.

You could tell that Ruv had felt it, because since you got off him he completely changed how he was laying.
You come back from using the bathroom and lay back down on him, but now in a more assessable way.

"Did you do that on purpose," Ruv looks down to you, as you look up to him and smile. "Nope" Ruv sarcastically laughs while resting his hands behind his head. Now was our chance to make a move, you turn onto your stomach, as you rest your head on his chest listening to his steady heartbeat as you slowly adjust your body.
Ruv raises a gently and soft smile and he begins to play with your hair once again.

"Ruv, your such a baby" You chuckle making Ruv look to you, as you have been stating at him for a while. "Oh well, as long as I'm your baby." He grins resting his head back giving another genuine smile.

Ruv lift your knee slowly without no warning, making a deep red flush across Ruvs fave. As your knee was feasting apon Ruvs groin. "Hey, can you.. Move that?" Ruvs voice cracked trying to speak a few simple words. He was really feeling it now.
You nod moving tour knee down, doing the same thing you did once again. Ruvs eyes widen as his face turns to worry with a tint of lust.

He tries to get you off, but you wouldn't allow him to. "please, need to use the bathroom" you had chuckled to yourself every time he tried to move you, only making it worse for himself.
He had finally given up, closing his eyes for a while.

You watched him as he breathed slowly.

Then you hear h sigh, "your starting to piss me off." Ruv slowly opens his eyes very slightly as they immediately land on you.

Ruv in a swift movement grabbed you by the shoulder and pushed you onto the opposite side of the sofa, as he stood on his knees between your legs. With a considerablely visible bump in his crotch region.
You grin to Ruv, as he gets up and off the sofa, and makes his way back to the bathroom.


It had now been past midnight, and you were laying in your bed scrolling through your feed, when you come across you ex's profile.
You decide to click on it to see that he had finally moved on. You smiled and plug your phone in, getting up from your bed yawning.

You walk out of your room to go to the room that Ruv had been sleeping in.

"knock knock" you wisper, hearing a muffled groan come from Ruv as he turns over to you.

"what" Ruv spoken in a tired muffled tone,

"Just wanted to see my big baby" you smile, while Ruv rolled his eyes as he turned on his phone that was charging next to him to look at the time.
"Its 2 am"

Completely ignoring Ruv you walk around to the other side of the bed, watching as Ruvs eyes hadn't left you ever since you woke him up.

"What are you planning this time.." Ruvs voice fades out as you had gotten under the covers with him, holding onto his hand as your head resting on him.
"oh" Ruv smiled a tad as he began to cuddle you as you cuddled back.

Ruv put his head down to your ear while playing with your messy hair.

"I love you so much" he spoke in an mumble.

You look up to him and smile "and I love you too"

You both had stayed like that for a while before your drowsiness had started to kick in leading you to fall asleep first, while Ruv had continued to mess with your hair until he had chosen to fall asleep along with you.



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