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He'd agreed to stay and that meant he'd have to lay there for eight hours. He stared at the ceiling for half of it, thinking about her; how amazing she tasted, how lovely she was in both attitude and facade, how he wanted to make her his. He'd taken her, but that didn't mean he had her. Not completely.

He grew restless, but he didn't dare get out of bed, he didn't want to wake her. He did, however, sit up to light a cigarette, needing a new angle. He looked around the room, stared at everything for long minutes. Studied everything minutely. It wasn't like he had much to do otherwise, but he was growing hungry. Skipping a night wasn't so bad, not on a special occasion.

Finally Annabel awoke, the light of the sun shining through the sheer curtains covering her window. Her eyes fluttered open to see Lucas smoking. She should have been upset, but she couldn't bring herself to be. She sat up and he glanced over at her, taking a large drag, waiting for her to say something first.

She smiled as she placed a hand on his bicep, sliding it down until her hand fell beside him, "How long have you been up?"

He enjoyed the touch, warming up to the feeling of intimacy. He stated rather flatly, "I didn't sleep."

She frowned, apology in her expression, "I'm sorry."

He shook his head, "Don't be. I don't sleep."

Her brows furrowed slightly, a bit confused, but then it hit her. Do vampires sleep? But no, she had to let go of that. It was light out. He wouldn't be in her apartment all day, he'd have to go out in the sun- she looked at her clock, in ten minutes.

She stood and went to her dresser, getting a new bra and pair of panties.

"Where are you going?"

She began to dress, "I have to go to work."

He took one last drag, putting the butt by the others that had collected on her bedside table, "No you don't."

She finished putting on her shirt, chuckling, "Yes I do."

He looked at her hard, "Work for me."

She cocked her head, "I..." What? She couldn't quit the job she hated? But she was unsure of what he meant. Work for him how? Then she figured it out, "I can't be a dominatrix. I have no idea how to."

Lucas blew a puff of air out his nose, laughing heartily, "No, dear. You'll be a bartender."

She went red, feeling embarrassed, "Oh. Well... I don't know how to bartend either."

He smiled, "I'll teach you."

She wrung her hands, unsure, but smiling. Maybe she could work for him. It would be better than her current job. So she decided on, "Yes. Ok."

He grinned, standing and going to her, "It'll be fine, you will enjoy it." He took her face in his hands, giving her a quick kiss. He smiled warmly, caressing a cheek with his thumb, "I'll leave you now. I'll see you tonight, my dear."

She nodded, smiling. Then he left the room. She heard him exit and she sighed, she had all day to do what she wanted. She didn't know quite what to do with herself.

The night couldn't come soon enough for him. He was a perpetually spiritless man, having nothing but his writing to keep him company. Having Annabel around was exciting, giving him more reason to live life. He wanted to be an average man with a wife and intimacy, have a reason to go out on the town, someone to spoil and spend time with. She gave him hope.

He sat outside his booth, though he was taking a night off from women, at least until he gave Annabel the run down.

As he smoked his cigarette he idly wondered if Annabel would mind that he keep his job, wondered how she felt about him continuing to please other women. It was his job, gave him something to do. It was his life.

He saw her enter, wearing a bright purple dress to match the theme. She worked there now so she better look the part. He was ultimately pleased. And as she neared him he could see she was wearing makeup this time, dark eyes to match his, and bright pink lipstick. She looked absolutely ravishing.

"You look beautiful, my rose." he told her, taking her hand and kissing it once again.

She blushed. She felt like he'd forever make her cheeks red. There was no real getting used to charm.

He held her hand, leading her around to the back of the bar. She was anxious, hoping she could do the job correctly. At least she had him to show her, and with practice, she was sure she could do it.

He took a glass and set it in front of her, then he grabbed a bottle of vodka. "Grab the sprite handle," he commanded, always with the demanding tone she had grown fond of, never having thought she'd think so highly of a controlling man. She did as he said. "Now start to fill the glass." She squeezed the handle as he poured in the vodka, "Equal amounts." Then he stopped pouring, "Fill it half way, then pour more soda."

She did so.

"Good, my dear." They grinned at one another, Annabel feeling good about it so far. "Now try it on your own."

She did as she was shown and he praised her. He grabbed the second glass and took a long drink. "I think this calls for shots." He took a couple shot glasses and showed her how far to fill them. He handed her one. They took the shots together and Annabel made a face, having always been bad at them. Lucas laughed. She flushed, embarrassed, but she was having fun. If this was bartending then it was quite easy.

"Pour us another round," he demanded, but out of the corner of his eye he saw something with his keen senses. He could feel eyes on him, someone unusual. He looked around the club, trying to find what he was sensing. Then he saw her by the doors, a woman in white. A long flowing dress, long flowing hair, a porcelain face. It was Rose. He knew her unique look, even after a century long since seeing her last.

His chest tightened, his breath halted, his undead heart stopped. He flushed, his skin turning more pale than it already was. No... she couldn't be there. It was impossible. She was emotionless, and if he had to guess, jealous of his new found love. She did not look happy to see him. It broke his heart.

He didn't see that Annabel had overflowed the shot glasses, paid no attention to her at all as he rushed around the counter. And as he strode to the doors Rose turned and left.

He moved faster now, almost running. He had to stop her. He reached the doors, slamming them open with the strength he had otherwise learned to control. When he was finally outside he looked one way, and then the other. He saw her simply standing down the sidewalk. The same dead expression on her face.


He ran.

But in the blink of an eye, she was gone.

He stopped. What the hell was that, he thought. He couldn't be imagining things, most certainly. Why now? Was it because Annabel had brought her back to mind? Rose had looked so ghostly, but it seemed so real. She was vivid. But he came to the conclusion that she must have been an apparition. Rose was haunting him. She was jealous.

He went back into the club, and Annabel looked confused. And she was. She had been expecting feedback, and then suddenly he was gone. She felt abandoned, like he didn't care. But something must have happened, she told herself. She looked at him in wonder as he kissed her on her bright pink lips, "I apologize. I thought I saw someone pass out," he lied.

She smiled softly, "You're such a savior."

He was flattered. But only for her. He wouldn't have given a shit if someone had passed out, but it didn't hurt that she thought he would.

"I must work, my love. You are going to do quite well."

She blushed, it was the first time he called her 'love' and she wondered exactly what it meant. She wanted to tell him she loved him, because she did; he had saved her, been kind to her, how could she not?

She nodded, hoping that she would, in fact, do well.

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