Greetings - 1

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A/N: Before you start, I'd like to promote a new book of mine that is ALSO a Dandy Mott fanfiction called "PlayDinner" made by me. This book you'll be reading now will probably be unfinished and will stay like that so I recommend you to read PlayDinner instead! :)

(Y/n pov)

There I was, standing in front of my mirror as the maid fixed my hair.


Mother yells, as I yelled back saying

"I'll be ready soon mother!"

I locked up my heels and went downstairs. Mother and Father were already prepped and ready.

"Finally, you came downstairs"

Father tells me

"Sorry father"

I apologized

"No time for that, will be late!"

He says as he walks outside of the house with mother.

You might be wondering. Where are we going? That's the same question I've been asking but they said it would ruin the surprise.

We drove towards a white lovely house. It was twice the size of are house at home.

We walked up towards the door. Father knocks.

"Mr. and Mrs. Grey"

A woman wearing a maid's dress said.

It was Dora! Dora was one of the closes people that I know. We don't get in touch anymore ever since I moved to Germany for med school, but what could she be doing here?

We walked inside. The house seemed familiar. I feel like I've been here before.


Someone said as I turned around.

It was Mrs. Mott or should I say Gloria!

"Mrs. Mott?"

I said confused

"Oh look at you! You've grown so much"

She said as she looked around me.

If Dora's here and Mrs. Mott is here then it means. Oh no.

I'VE COME TO DANDY MOTT'S HOUSEHOLD! You don't know how traumatizing it was when I was near Dandy as a child.

Mother and Mrs. Mott where childhood friends making me and Dandy see each other often not until I turned 20. I went to Germany for medical school. My dream was to become a psychiatrist while Dandy wanted to become a thespian.


Gloria shouted as she led us outside to have a seat.

I sat down as Dora placed a glass of juice for us.

There he was. Dandy, walking outside with an angry face. Looked like someone got interrupted with something.

"What now mother"

He said as he rolls his eyes.

He hasn't changed a bit I see. Still, the same old spoiled child he always was the only difference? He's already a grown man.

"You remember Mr. and Mrs. Grey, right Dandy?"

Mrs. Mott says as she shows my parents

"Ahh, yes the annoying people"

Dandy said as a smirk lifted upon his face.

How dare he insult my family. It's not like he wasn't annoying too.

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