Mood Session - 2

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It's been a while and we're at the letter L.


I said looking at Dandy.

The smile he had from the start fading. He scoffed and said

"Lobster boy"

In curiosity, I asked him

"Who's Lobster boy?"

He looked at me and rolled his eyes saying

"It's the guy from that freak show"

It seemed like he hated that Lobster boy.

"Could you define me what Lobster boy looks like?"

I asked him as I held a piece of paper in my hand

"you're seriously asking me that?"

He asks me in a diva manner.

I giggled and said

"Well, I need to know who this Lobster boy is. I am your psychiatrist after all"

He rolls his eyes again and said

"He has hazel eyes, kinda bended nose, not so symmetrical face and has crab hands oh and also wears brown gloves"

At first, I thought he was pointing out the bad parts about that Lobster boy but when I heard the brown gloves I lost it. I asked him

"Brown gloves?"

He nods his head confused.

I decided to describe the brown gloves more. Dandy was surprised on how good I "guessed" how it looked like. Could it possibly be the man I met earlier in the store? I was distracted, I didn't even know that Dandy was yelling at me already.

"Y/n, y/n!"

He yelled.

I quickly looked back at him and asked

"Um, what letter are we in again?"

From his face, I knew that he knew something was wrong.

We continued doing the mood session until the letter Z came up.

"And lastly Z"

I said


He said.

I laughed saying

"Zebra, really?"

He looked at me with an angry pout.

"What's wrong with Zebras?"

I giggled again and said

"No no, nothings wrong with it. Its just that, what do you like about Zebra's?"

He looks at me in disbelief as he scoffs again saying

"They have a cool pattern"

I corrected him saying


He rolls his eyes and said

"I know genius"

I shrugged my shoulders saying

"Why thank you for the compliment"

As I stood up off the floor

"That's not what I meant!"

He shouted as he stood up.

From his voice, I knew he was starting to rage.

Play Date - Dandy MottWhere stories live. Discover now