Catfight - 4

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Hello! I'm genuinely sorry for not posting for like half a month. My motivation was gone and yadayadayada. Anyways you can start reading now </3

"What is it now!?"

Dandy yelled

"I wanted to try something out for your next activity"

I said going into his playroom.

There he was, laying down on his couch with a pocketbook full of scripts in his hand.

"You should've knock before you came in Y/n"

Dandy said looking at me

"Well, I'm sorry about that but it's just that I think this activity could help you become your old self again"

I said looking at him

"What do you mean by become?"

He said as he groaned

"You're not yourself for the past few days so I thought this activity could help"

I said as I sat beside him

"What do we do?"

He said looking at me

"You can choose anything that we do that you like"

I said looking back at him.

A smile regains upon his face in a matter of seconds. He grabbed another pocketbook and gave it to me.

"Here, we can re-act the scene of Romeo and Juliet!"

He said while squealing

"So we're going to be role-playing?"

I asked him

"No y/n, we're going to be acting!"

He said as he grabbed my wrist and brought me up to his stage

"Same thing"

I mumbled


He said


I said again.

He started putting on a hat like Romeo and he gave me a crown.

"What's this for?"

I asked

"It's your crown silly! Juliet is a princess remember!?"

He told me

"Actually, from my research, Juliet wasn't a princess instead she was born in a very wealthy family."

I said looking at him

"Well, if you know very much how did Romeo die?"

He said as he places his hands on his hips

"Easy, he died by the poison he bought from an Apothecary"

I said as I crossed my hands

"That's not fair! You weren't supposed to know!"

He said as an angry pout lifted on his face.

I laughed as he got very irritated by me.

The whole day, we spent the time talking about theatre acts and plays. His mood swings weren't really in the way so I was comfortable while I was talking with him.

"I like the act of The Glass Menagerie"

Dandy says as he gives me a poster


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2021 ⏰

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