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A/N: BEFORE I START! Heyy, I'm back and I'm on summer vacation! Anyways, that's all I have to say you can start the story now </3.

I was distracted by the beautiful scenery. I just felt alive while I was looking at the sky. Before I knew it, Dandy kissed my cheek making me blush.


The instructor said as he held both of us as we got out of the buckle. If I'm being honest here it was fun.

We went back to Dandy's car. As we were walking, I decided to come up with a conversation.

"So, did you enjoy it?"

I said smiling at him

"It wasn't the best experience that I had but sure, I would say I did"

He said looking back at me

"I knew you'd like it"

I teasingly said.

He opened the passenger seat for me as I hopped in. He was quite charming as he sat beside me. I never saw him like this before.

He starts the engine as we went back to his house. Along the ride, I could still see the gorgeous view. Although it wasn't the best angle as It was before, I still quite enjoyed it.

As he was driving he went to a different route. A much smaller path. I've never been to that route before. Needless to say that I was curious about where we're going.

Finally, I saw town again but he went to a different route once more. My curiosity started to grow as I asked questions.

"Where are we going?"

I asked looking at him.

He smirks at me and said

"It's a surprise"

As much as I've known Dandy since childhood, I've never trusted him one bit. This surprise of his could cause danger. From what I know, trouble's coming.

We stop by a large field with a lake beside it. It seemed like no one has ever been here before.

"What is this place?"

I asked.

He was silent, too silent.

I asked him again the same question but he just repeated the same actions he did before.

"Dandy, I don't think this is a good idea"

I told him.

Finally, he spoke back saying

"Oh, Y/n, trust me you'll be thrilled with joy once you see my surprise"

That sentence right there struck me. There's a 99% chance something bad would happen, especially if Dandy's around.

Everything was silent until a woman screaming came towards us, particularly Dandy. She had blonde hair and pure skin. She was wearing a blue top and a yellow skirt to match it with.


She cried out.

Dandy smiled, he looked at me as he looked back at the woman.

He carried her going towards something.

"Oh, clownnn, I've got a gift for you!"

Dandy said smiling.

I followed him as we went towards an old rusty van. It was crowded with moss and leaves.

As we walk closer towards it a clown popped up. It was wearing this creepy smiled mask that looked old. He didn't say anything but grabbed the woman from Dandy. She looked at me in the eyes, I knew she needed help but I couldn't move. What if I was next?

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