It's Not The Same Anymore {Part 2}

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"'s just felt like you've grown out of me."

The next morning I wake up at 10 to a text from Ranboo, "Can I come over to talk?" It was sent only a few minutes ago.
I type out a response, "Sure, my parents aren't home so just come up to my room." I know he still has the key that I gave him all those years ago.

I get ready for him to come over, just slipping on a hoodie and sweatpants. I scroll through Twitter while waiting on him, within 10 minutes I can hear him coming up the stairs, knocking on my bedroom door.
"Come in!" I yell.

I take a deep breath as the door opens, I haven't seen him in so long.
"Your hair has gotten long," I blurt out. Why the fuck did the first thing I say when finally getting to see him face to face have to sound so judgmental?!
"Yeah, I haven't had a haircut in months," he chuckles.
"It looks nice," I say softly.

We let silence fill the room for a bit as he leans against my door frame and I sit cross legged on my bed. "Come sit with me," I say, breaking the silence.

He shuts my door and sits on my desk chair so that he's across from me, "I'm sorry for sort of ghosting you," he says, "It wasn't on purpose, I've just been really busy and I've been caught up in all these new things, this is something I've always wanted, you know?"

I nod, "It's okay, I'm sorry for being selfish. I know you've always wanted to be a content creator, and I'm happy for you, and proud of you. I've just missed you a lot."

He smiles softly, "I've missed you too, it's my fault for not getting back to you as quick as I should, and for not letting you know that I was busy. I've been so wrapped up in everything and...and I just haven't taken any breaks, y'know?"

"Yeah, I get it. It just hurts because I want to talk with you like we used to. I want to tell you all the boring shit that happened to me during my day and I want to listen to your funny commentary as I speak, all your dorky little jokes, and I just want my best friend back," I explain.

"I want you back too, I've missed you a lot. Also I know you think I was replacing you with Tubbo, but I promise I wasn't. We've just gotten really close and it's fun hanging out with him, I can be friends with both of you."

"I just wish you would've made time for me, or at least replied to my messages quicker. It's been really lonely without you, and it's just felt like you've grown out of me."
"I haven't," he says, "I swear that I haven't, and I'm sorry I made you feel that way. I promise that I'm going to do better, I want to make this up to you, I want you to know how much I care about you."

I can't help but smile, things are starting to feel a bit normal again, "Can we both just promise to get better at communicating so things can be normal again?"
He nods and smiles, "I promise."
"So do I," I chuckle.

He gets up from the chair and sits down next to me, wrapping his arms around me and hugs me tight. I hug him back, smiling so hard that my face starts to hurt, and just take in the moment. Things are going to be okay again.

"Hey Ranboo?"
"Yeah?" He asks, his voice a bit muffled as he has his face buried in my shoulder.
"Thank you for putting up with me."

He pulls away from the hug and hooks his thumb under my chin, having me look up at him, "I don't put up with you, I love you and no matter what we go through I know I'll want to stick around. You're worth it to me."
"I am?"
"You are."
I smile and hug him again.

"I have an idea."
"Oh?" I question, "What is it?"
"How about you come over while I stream today? You don't have to if you don't want to, but you could meet Tubbo and maybe we can try and beat the game together!"
"I'm so down."

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