20 Questions

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Trigger Warning: Underage drinking

"I feel like we don't ever hang out."

"I can't believe that we did it," laughs Owen.
"I can't believe that I did it, I really didn't think I'd pass, especially not this year," I joke.
"Well you did it and you're free...until college," Frank joins in.

I roll my eyes, "As if any college would want me, I'll probably just go to some community college, get my GPA up and graduate way later than the rest of y'all," I say, taking a sip of my drink.
"Is that your plan?" Asks Gwen.
"Yep, what's yours?"
"Go to cosmetology school, get my license and do hair for the stars one day." 
"Ambitious, I like it."

We all sit around talking about our plans, all expect for Ranboo, he's not even here yet, apparently he's streaming, typical. I don't know him all that well despite the fact that we've both been apart of the friend group since it started, but what I do know is that he's been streaming everyday for months and refuses to give up his streak. Gwen said he won't be here until later, but who even knows how much later it'll be...

As the night goes on everyone begins to drink more and more, I don't plan on drinking much tonight so I'm practically babysitting until Ranboo gets here, another thing I know about him is that he doesn't drink or smoke or swear, so he'll be pretty helpful when everyone else gets a little too drunk and needs to go to bed.

Around 9:30 he finally shows up. He's wearing a Lemon Demon t-shirt, a floral button up shirt thrown on over the t-shirt, some black jeans, and converse. He looks nice.

As I sit on top of the kitchen counter he begins to walk over to me, I don't think I ever noticed how tall he is, even with me sitting up where I am he still towers over me. "Where is everyone?" He asks.
"Backyard. They wanted to swim," I explain.
"And you didn't?"
I chuckle, "I didn't bring a swim suit."
"Ah, makes sense, neither did I, I didn't realize there'd be swimming.
"Yeah, neither did I."

He leans against the counter next to me and we make eye contact, I don't think I ever noticed how pretty his eyes are. "I feel like we don't ever hang out," he says, breaking the momentary silence.
"Yeah, I guess we never have, at least not one on one...Y'know I think I know the least about you out of everyone in this group."

He smiles, "Why don't we change that?"
"20 questions?" He suggests.
I roll my eyes and chuckle, "Bit of a fuckboy question isn't it?"
"I didn't mean it like that, it's just the easiest way to get to know someone, y'know."
"Hmm, sure, let's do it."

I grab another drink and crack it open, "You ask the first question."
He thinks for a second before asking his question, "What was your favorite band in middle school?"
I furrow my brows, a bit take aback, "That's really your first question?"
He blushes a bit before nodding, "Yeah, I feel like you can tell a lot about someone by what their favorite band was in middle school."
"Fair enough," I say, taking a sip, "It was Fall Out Boy, I was like obsessed with Folie à Deux and would play it constantly."
"I mean it is a good album to be obsessed with."
"Very true."

I take a second to come up with a question for him, scanning my eyes around the room before landing on his Lemon Demon shirt, "What's your favorite Lemon Demon song?"
"Would you believe me if I said Two Trucks?" He jokes.
"Absolutely not, give me a real answer or I'll leave."
"You wouldn't dare."
"You're right, I have to babysit the dipshits outside, but seriously I want a real answer."
"Bill Watterson."
"Good choice."

We both go back and forth, most of the questions being boring filler questions until we're at the 19th question and it's his turn again. "So, why do you think we've never really gotten close or hung out before?"
This is definitely not the type of question I was expecting after a 15 minute spiel about dashcon but I digress. "I don't know, I guess I've always been a little...intimidated by you. Like, it's not that you scare me or anything but when you joined our friend group you were on the volleyball team so I sort of assumed you were just some jock who would've made fun of me for being weird."

"If you had known me in middle school you would've known that I'm just as weird as you."
"So you think I'm weird?" I ask, narrowing my eyes.
"Wha-No! No, I don't think you're weird, I just meant th-" He exclaims, flustered, before I cut him off.
"Dude, I'm fucking with you, don't worry."
He sighs, "Oh my god, you can't keep doing that, you're gonna give me a heart attack."
"You're 17, the chances of you having a heart attack are so low."
"But everytime you do that it increases the risk."
I laugh and roll my eyes, fighting back a smile.

"Okay, your turn, last question Y/N, so make it good."
"Hmm, okay..." I think for a second, "Why do you think we never hung out until now? I want your perspective on it."
"Kind of unoriginal."
"Still a question, you know the rules, I want an answer."

He sits silent for a minute, running his hand through his hair before finally answering. "I don't want this to make things weird, so I'm sorry if it does, but umm...I've always thought you were really attractive and it intimidated me a bit. I thought if you ever got to know me you wouldn't like me, so I just sort of stayed away. It's probably stupid and you're probably uncomfortable now, I'm sorry."

We both sit silently for a bit, eventually he goes to walk away but I grab his wrist. He turns around looking confused. "I don't know you all that well, but I'd like to...also I also think you're attractive, god I sound so awkward. How about this, let's get to know each other some more, hang out more, and we'll see where it takes us. What do you think?" I ask, giving him a reassuring smile.

His face lights up like a puppy whose owner just got home from a long day at work, "I'd like that, I'd like it a lot."
"Cool." Oh my god did I really just say fucking cool, what is wrong with me???
"Cool," he replies with a sweet smile that makes me feel like I could melt.
"So...we should probably go make sure everyone hasn't drowned out there, right?"
"I'm sure they're fine without us," he says.

I pull him a bit closer by his wrist, "Yeah, they'll be just fine...why don't we get to know each other better."
"20 more questions?" He asks.
I roll my eyes, "Why not."

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