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010. marinate

It did not take long for Kai to fool everyone else. It was an easy feat after having some past experience with negotiations, in a way, it was similar to his current situation. He was basically emitting a gamble.

But Kai tried to be as sincere as possible, if he wanted to have another power boost to succeed, he had to do the sole purpose of why he was there in the first place. For the Rokushiki techniques. And it seems like the Fleet Admiral appeared to need some kind of trigger to his emotions.

He had to make Sengoku empathetic. The man was too suspecting.

And so, Kai managed to set up a whole ordeal. He visited the Morgans, gave them some news-worthy information that might stir the Marines from the inside, and most of all-- it would be his perfect chance to put his plan into a start.

"I can't believe this got out." Sengoku sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he stared at the newspaper that was placed on his desk. Kai idly stood by the chair as he spared a glance, eyes glinting in satisfaction after learning how it reached the headers.

"The Morgans managed to grab their hands on some important info." Kai commented, sounding incredibly apathetic, in which Sengoku probably got used to by now.

"Seems so." Sengoku stressed out. Before he could stand up to take matters on his own hand, he noticed Kai's looming presence that surrounded the whole room, making it suddenly difficult to focus on different matters.

He then realized it was Kai's intense aura.

"It would be highly misunderstood if it were you to handle the situation, Fleet Admiral." The younger male explained. "What we need to do is to clear the information by releasing the other parts of the information."

Sengoku's brows furrowed. "We can't do that, leaking more of it would only reveal even more confidential matters!"

"Did I say we should leak everything?" There it was. The mischievous tone that held a hint of intentions. It wasn't exactly an ill-statement, but it held the likes of one. "We only have to leak its purpose so that the citizens wouldn't take it as a selfish action from the Marines." He emphasized.

At this point, Kai was playing manipulative moves and mind games. Everything was like a game of chess for him.

"That's sacrificing too much. . ."

"Sacrifices are necessary to create a beneficial outcome, is it not?"

Sengoku stared at Kai for a good few seconds, having seen the light in his eyes for the first time in those weeks he's been observing him. Despite having outrageous plans and suggestions, he wasn't wrong. In fact, he was actually thinking more like a leader.

"Then we'll do it." The Fleet Admiral decided, having not heard of a better solution than this.

Kai was fit to be a great leader, he seemed to have the experience of one. He was not afraid to take sacrifices if needed, he was resourceful and had a lot of tricks up his sleeves, and not to mention-- he was strong. He never came empty handed, and so, he didn't disappoint.

Sengoku decided that Monkey D. Kai would be a great Fleet Admiral, even more befitting than the likes of either Akainu or Aokiji. Although he could not guarantee for Kai's seat on the top, the best he could do was to marinate him to be the perfect Fleet Admiral.

He could see the future of the Marines in Kai's hands.

Unbeknownst to him, it was an illusion. A mere hallucination that got him emotional because he was reminded of his dear son, Rocinante. But Sengoku was not wrong when he thought that he could see Kai leading the Marines to a successful outcome.

Though that was only if he had set his heart to it. So, unfortunately for them, Kai could only bring the end to them.

Meeting him was a mistake itself.


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000000. ace and luffy

Kai had the rest of the day to himself after that. However, as soon as he came into his chambers by his grandfather's ship-- he could see something laying on top of his bed.

With his brows now furrowed, he cautiously took wary steps towards the surprisingly neat little package and observed the layout of the items.

He sprayed it with a lot of alcohol before picking it up with his gloved hands, ripping it open before watching as several letters fell from it. He quickly saw the names and clicked his tongue.

He picked it all up and went through the names of who had sent them.

First was that annoying woman from the Village who still offered her daughter to him, he felt disgust upon remembering her before throwing the letter to the fire place.

Next, it was Makino's letter, and after seeing her name, he didn't hesitate to throw it away as well, still remembering how he didn't want to be involved with anyone from the Village.

Dadan had a letter as well, and as he silently read through it, it was a pointless letter that was all about the buff woman being in denial and just plain stubborn about wishing him well.

As he threw away more letters that held no significance in him, his eyes landed on Ace's individual letter and Luffy's messy one.

Out of curiosity, he opened Ace's letter for him and saw that the boy was just sending him pages of his journal, explaining about Yonkos and the outer world which was useful for once. Kai decided to keep his journal instead.

Kai saw Luffy's letter and saw that Luffy was just writing about his plan to sail the seas, it was the usual.

He didn't know why Ace and Luffy were fond of him, always claiming to be brothers.

They wrote to him like he was some kind of inmate who was spending his time in prison, it honestly was annoying. They even asked him if he wore orange or blue-- or the alternative black and white.

But that was enough people for now, he had to take his rest and wait for more years, knowing just how he'll be training Rokushiki tomorrow. It was a guaranteed win.

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