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022. blue print

Kai knew enough about Cipher Pol.

During his training with rokushiki, he had plenty enough interactions to evaluate them on his own accord. He didn't require the needless rumors, the pointless spooks, or even the overexaggerated comments-- he decided on his own that Cipher Pol was an average agency.

A few of them excelled in certain aspects of rokushiki, one that he can actually acknowledge. But other than that, it was awfully clear that they still weren't in par with the threats of the new world.

Mastering the basics of it was simply not enough, in order to truly put it in a higher level is to make it as your own. Just like how he has used haki and developed in a way that would be convenient for him, altering it to fit his abilities. And he has been doing the same with the rokushiki he has learned. Having memorized all there is to learning it, he needs just a little more time to truly master it.

Still, as a person who trained in rokushiki as well, he can at least acknowledge how much dedication Cipher Pol lent to learn it.

That was why he was going all his way to the particular island.

At first glance, Kai looked like he was walking on water. But he was actually taking this opportunity to master one of the many techniques.

He wasn't heading straight to Water 7. No, that would be too hasty of him. From what he heard from Sengoku's connections and the WG, the highest form of Cipher Pol was busy going undercover to obtain an ancient artifact. More specifically, a blueprint. Kai only knows the bare minimum since even his own connections refused to release the details.

At this point, Kai can recognize himself to be nosy. Not necessarily a bad thing to him since sticking his business in other people's business was most beneficial to him.

"What's your goal now, Kai?"

Seated right across him from a considerably long table was his father, a notorious revolutionary leader. Kai has known him ever since he first opened his eyes in this world, seeing as the first face he saw was his.

Kai can vividly recall what childhood with him was like, although having to part ways at the tender age of 3-- unlike most toddlers his age, he didn't cry, throw tantrums, or breakdown into a horrible and ear-screeching whine. He was remembered to be. . . Behaved. Seeing him so calm and composed with those impassive bright yellow eyes was unnerving for his age. And he scared enough personnel to be trusted on his own.

Up to now, they still occasionally meet, taking the current circumstance for instance.

"My goal?" Kai glanced effortlessly at the cup of tea in front of him.

It was blended nicely, and the flavor was extracted with the perfect temperature. Just like how he preferred. And he can tell that Dragon subconsciously takes note of his preferences, the littlest details. Perhaps in hopes to restore the times he was absent.

"As of now, I do not think I'm capable enough to invade Yonko territory." Kai started, stirring the cup nonchalantly. "I have yet to utilize the rokushiki techniques into its highest potential as well. In the meantime, I plan to take all open opportunities upon mastering it and finding valuable information."

Dragon nodded in agreement. "It is wiser to remain on the low in the meantime."

"Though, there's a concern I've been thinking about more often lately."

"And what would that be?"

"The blue prints." Kai bluntly stated, glancing at Dragon in the corner of his eyes, watching him closely to see if he would slip a certain info with his eyes.

And for a split second, he can see the conflict behind his orbs. And it gave Kai enough confirmation.

"The blue prints are simply destructive weapons from the ancient era, is it not? I wouldn't just word it simple though." He continued. "I heard about if from my connections and Cipher Pol seems to be after it. Hearing this, I couldn't just let it slide."

"Then, what do you plan to do about it?"

"I find information like I always do, of course." Kai pointed the obvious. "If you're interested about the blue prints, which I'm sure you've already wondered about before-- it would still be worthless in your hands since no one here is capable of reading the ancient writing. Unless, you've taken Nico Robin willingly on your side."

"Nico Robin. . ." Dragon recalled why the name was so familiar. "Ah, right. The rumored devil girl? I can see why the World Government fears her abilities, she is the only sole survivor of her clan who are capable of reading and writing the old language."

"Since you seek revolutionary, don't you also want to seek her and make to join your side?"

"Admittedly, her abilities would be useful. However, we are not desperate enough to uncover the truth about history. Our goal is to seek change in the future, not unravel the past." Dragon explained firmly, and it seems like he had already given it enough thoughts.

Kai could agree. He, too, was seeking a different kind of change. Something that clashes against Dragon's beliefs. Having heard that Nico Robin joined Luffy's crew (a foolish move he believes), Kai decided that she wasn't as valuable as what the WG has been making her seem as.

He wasn't aiming to be a pirate, or find the one piece, meaning there was no necessity for him to learn about the history of this world. He simply needed to change and alter the world and make a new history of his own.

It was unfortunate of Robin to have joined his idiotic brother's crew. In fact, everyone who joined and will join Luffy in his pirate adventure would be deemed unfortunate.

"You've enlightened me," Kai started, rather joyous in a mysteriously sinister manner. "But now, I shall take my leave, spending too much time away from the public can cause suspicions to arise. And allowing it to reach Sengoku may be less ideal for it is far too soon."

Dragon nodded, gesturing.

And in an instance, Kai left as if he was never there in the first place. Dragon found himself looking back on his side of table, seeing his tea untouched. And his brows furrowed.

"Does he not like Kuding Cha?"

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